INTL 421/521 Gender and International Development     Summer 2009

Professor Anita M. Weiss

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Course Outline and Readings

Week I, Tuesday/Thursday July21-23               Introduction to the course and terminology: WID, GAD, Third World, development, empowerment, patriarchy; critical perspectives on theoretical concepts; Contemporary Images and Self-images      All Readings for Week I are linked below
*All students are to sign up for their term paper by July 23

Required Readings:
Jacquette & Summerfield, pp. 1-4, 11-13, 17-50, 53-70, 107-132 A B, 191-200
Seager, Parts One (A & B) & Two (A & B)
Sweetman, pp. 2-7, 9-11, 13-24
*Scott, Catherine “Tradition and Gender in Modernization Theory” Gender and Development: Rethinking Modernization and Dependency Theory (Lynne Rienner 1996), pp. 23-32

Recommended Readings: (more theoretical)
Boserup, Ester Women's Role in Economic Development St. Martin's Press, 1970 [a classic!]
Datta, Rekha & Judith Kornberg Women in Developing Countries: Assessing Strategies for
Lynne Reinner, 2002
Mernissi, Fatima The Veil and the Male Elite: a Feminist Interpretation of Women’s Rights in Islam
(trans. by Mary Jo Lakeland) Addison-Wesley Publishing Co., 1991
Moser, Caroline Gender Planning and Development: Theory, Practice and Training Routledge, 1993
Nussbaum, Martha C. Women and Human Development: the Capabilities Approach Cambridge U.P.,
Parpart, Jane, Patricia Connelly and Eudine Barriteau Theoretical Perspectives on Gender and
International Development Research Centre, 2000
Rogers, Barbara The Domestication of Women: Discrimination in Developing Societies Tavistock, 1980
[another classic!]
Sen, Gita and Caren Grown Development, Crises, and Alternative Visions: Third World Women's
(DAWN) Monthly Review Press, 1987 (a major, transformative work for the field)
Tinker, Irene (ed.) Persistent Inequalities: Women and World Development Oxford University Press,
Townsend, Janet et. al. Women and Power: Fighting Patriarchies and Poverty Zed Books, 1999
World Bank Engendering Development: Through Gender Equality in Rights, Resources, and Voice
Oxford University Press, 2001. Information available at:

Recommended Readings: (samples of ethnographies)
Blackburn, Susan Love, Sex and Power: Women in Southeast Asia Monash Asia Institute, 2001
Fernea, Elizabeth A Street in Marrakech Anchor Books, 1980
Jeffery, Patricia and Roger Jeffery Don’t Marry me to a Plowman! Women’s Everyday Lives in Rural North India Westview Press, 1996
Hodgson, Dorothy Once Intrepid Warriors: Gender, Ethnicity, and the Cultural Politics of Maasai Development Indiana University Press, 2001
Mernissi, Fatima Doing Daily Battle: Interviews with Moroccan Women Rutgers University Press, 1989
O'Connell, Helen Women and the Family Zed Books, 1994
Patai, Daphne Brazilian Women Speak: Contemporary Life Stories Rutgers University Press, 1988
Pont, Anna M. Blind Chickens and Social Animals: Creating Spaces for Afghan Women’s Narratives under the Taliban Mercy Corps, 2001
Shostak, Marjorie Nisa: the Life and Words of a !Kung Woman Vintage Books, 1983
Sittirak, Sinith Daughters of Development: Women and the Changing Environment Zed Books, 1998
Weiss, Anita M. Walls Within Walls: Life Histories of Working Women in the Old City of Lahore Oxford University Press, 2nd edition, 2002


Week II, Tuesday-Thursday July 28-30 Gendered Work, Power and Globalization
        Film: Who's Counting? Marilyn Waring on Sex, Lies & Global Economics
*Reminder: Essay is due July 28th
*Mid-term is distributed on July 30 (due back on August 4)

Required Readings:
Jacquette & Summerfield, pp. 71-86, 87-105, 202-214
Sweetman, pp. 36-42, 56-64
Seager, Parts Five & Six


Recommended Readings:
Balakrishnan, Radhika (ed.) The Hidden Assembly Line: Gender Dynamics of Subcontracted Work in a Global Economy Kumarian Press, 2001
Beneria, Lourdes Gender, Development and Globalization: Economics as if All People Mattered Routledge, 2003
Beneria, Lourdes and Shelley Feldman (eds.) Unequal Burden: Economic Crises, Persistent Poverty, and Women's Work Westview Press, 1992
Carr, Marilyn, Martha Chen and Renana Jhabvala (eds.) Speaking Out: Women's Economic Empowerment in South Asia IT Publications on behalf of Aga Khan Foundation Canada and UNIFEM, 1996
Chen, Martha (ed.) Beyond Credit: A Subsector Approach to Promoting Women's Enterprises Aga Khan Foundation Canada, 1996
Hijab, Nadia Womanpower: the Arab Debate on Women at Work Cambridge University Press, 1988
Mies, Maria Patriarchy and Accumulation on a World Scale: Women in the International Division of Labor Zed Books, 1998
Nash, June and M.P. Fernandes-Kelly Women, Men and the International Division of Labor State University of New York Press, 1988
Prugl, Elisabeth The Global Construction of Gender: Home-based Work in the Political Economy of the 20th Century Columbia University Press, 1999
Safa, Helen Myth of the Male Breadwinner: Women and Industrialization in the Caribbean Westview, 1995
UNIFEM The Human Cost of Women's Poverty: Perspectives from Latin America and the Caribbean UNIFEM Publications, 1995
Waring, Marilyn Counting for Nothing: What Men Value and What Women are Worth University of Toronto Press, 1999, 2nd edition
Waring, Marilyn If Women Counted: a New Feminist Economics Harper Collins, 1990


Week III, Tuesday/Thursday August 4-6       Participation, Organizing and Social Transformation: Strategies to achieve the MDGs

*Mid-term is due back on August 4
*Last class meeting is August 6
*Term papers due August 13

Required Readings:
Jacquette & Summerfield, pp. 219-239, 240-266, 268-300
Sweetman, pp. 25-34, 44-54, 67-77, 79-90, 94-103
Seager, Part Seven

Link to reports on regional progress being made to achieve the MDGs

Recommended Reading:
Afshar, Haleh (ed.) Women and Politics in the Third World Routledge, 1996
Antrobus, Peggy The Global Women's Movement: Origins, Issues and Strategies Zed Books, 2004
Basu, Amrita (ed.) The Global Challenge of Local Feminisms: Women's Movements in Global Perspective
Westview Press, 1995
Brasileiro, Ana Maria (ed.) Building Democracy with Women UNIFEM, 1996
Jayawardena, Kumari Feminism and Nationalism in the Third World Zed Press, 1986
Karl, Marilee Women and Empowerment: Participation and Decision Making Zed, 1995
Mohanty, Chandra, Ann Russo and Lourdes Torres (eds.) Third World Women and the Politics of
Feminism Indiana University Press, 1991
Rose, Kalima Where Women are Leaders: the SEWA Movement in India Zed Books, 1992
Staudt, Kathleen Policy, Politics and Gender: Women Gaining Ground Kumarian Press, 1998
UNIFEM A Commitment to the World's Women: Perspectives on a Development Agenda for Beijing and
Beyond September 1995
UNFWCW (U.N. Fourth World Conference on Women) The Beijing Declaration and the Platform for Action: Covenant for the New Millennium United Nations, 1996
Weiss, Anita M. “Interpreting Women's Rights: The Dilemma Over Eliminating Discrimination Against
Women in Pakistan" International Sociology Vol. 18, No. 3, September 2003, pp. 581-601
Wieringa, Saskia (ed.) Subversive Women: Women's Movements in Africa, Asia, Latin America and the

Recommended Readings:
Afshar, Haleh (ed.) Women and Politics in the Third World Routledge, 1996
Antrobus, Peggy The Global Women's Movement: Origins, Issues and Strategies Zed Books, 2004
Basu, Amrita (ed.) The Global Challenge of Local Feminisms: Women's Movements in Global Perspective Westview Press, 1995
Jayawardena, Kumari Feminism and Nationalism in the Third World Zed Press, 1986
Calman, Leslie J. Toward Empowerment: Women and Movement Politics in India Westview, 1992
Karl, Marilee Women and Empowerment: Participation and Decision Making Zed, 1995
Mohanty, Chandra, Ann Russo and Lourdes Torres (eds.) Third World Women and the Politics of Feminism Indiana University Press, 1991
Perry, Susan and Celeste Schenck (eds.) Eye to Eye - Women Practising Development across Cultures Zed Books, 2000
Rose, Kalima Where Women are Leaders: the SEWA Movement in India Zed Books, 1992
Sankar, Andrea "Spinster Sisterhoods" in Mary Sheridan & Janet Salaff (eds.) Lives: Chinese Working Women Indiana University Press, 1984, pp. 51-70
Staudt, Kathleen Policy, Politics and Gender: Women Gaining Ground Kumarian Press, 1998
UNIFEM A Commitment to the World's Women: Perspectives on a Development Agenda for Beijing and Beyond September 1995
UNFWCW (U.N. Fourth World Conference on Women) The Beijing Declaration and the Platform for Action: Covenant for the New Millennium United Nations, 1996
Weiss, Anita M. “Interpreting Women's Rights: The Dilemma Over Eliminating Discrimination Against Women in Pakistan" Globalization, Gender, and Social Change in the 21st Century: A Special Issue of International Sociology Vol. 18, No. 3, September 2003, pp. 581-601



for questions regarding this site please e-mail Professor Anita Weiss


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