Bill Walker

Office: 140 Columbia
Ph: 364-6115 



AEIS 105 Producing Oral Academic Discourse

AEIS 105 prepares students to participate in academic discussions, make presentations, and generally communicate their ideas and share information as part of their coursework at American universities. These tasks require skills that can only be developed through a great deal of practice. In addition, students need familiaritiy with a variety of specific strategies and vocabulary. The course builds oral fluency and self confidence in an academic setting.

AEIS 107 Comprehending Written Academic Texts

AEIS 107 provides non-native speakers of English an interactive reading model for effective processing of academic texts. It emphasizes development of vocabulary, critical reading skills, strategies for synthesizing information, evaluating arguments and an awareness of patterns of academic thought. In addition, it introduces the student to advanced research-related reading techniques.

AEIS 111 Written Discourse II

This is an intermediate level integrated reading and writing course. This course is designed to guide you toward intensive reading of academic prose, and to provide you with writing skills necessary to carry out a variety of academic writing tasks including short essay exam answers, summaries and academic essays. This course will include: discussions of assigned readings; in-class writing practice; outside class writing and revision; some discussion of grammatical aspects as needed.

AEIS 112 Written Discourse III

The purpose of this course is to prepare students for academic writing at the university level. The course will include the following: discussions of writing principles and academic discourse patterns; critical analysis and grouip discussion of assigned readings; writing and revision done both in class and outside of class; analysis of student writing; and group work on student writing.

Humphrey Fellowship Summer 2003

Useful links for finding resources on the web, learning more about the English language, and doing research.

University of Oregon Computer Facilities Information

TESOL 2003 Presentation: Data Driven Vocabulary Learning

Biographic information about Bill Walker

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American English Institute
5212 University of Oregon
Eugene, Oregon 97403-5212 USA
FAX: (541) 346-3917
Office: (541) 346-3945

This page last updated March 2003