Algebraic Topology Course, 2002/2003,
Instructor: Boris Botvinnik

The class meets on MWF at 9:00 a.m. Deady 210.
Problem Session: Friday, 3:00 p.m. Deady 210.
Office hours: by appointment.


Section 1. First set of the most important topological spaces p. 1-7
Section 2. Constructions p. 8-12
Section 3. Homotopy and homotopy equivalence p. 13-18
Section 4. CW-complexes p. 19-26
Section 5. CW-complexes and homotopy p. 27-35
Section 6. Fundamental group p. 36-44
Section 7. Covering spaces p. 45-52
Section 8. Higher homotopy groups p. 53-58
Section 9. Fiber bundles p. 58-67
Section 10. Suspension Theorem and Whitehead product p. 68-78
Section 11. Homotopy groups of CW-complexes p. 79-91
Section 12. Homology groups: basic constructions p. 92-104
Section 13. Homology groups of CW-complexes p. 104-115
Section 14. Homology and homotopy groups p. 115-121
Section 15. Homology with coefficients and cohomology groups p. 121-136
Section 16. Some applications p. 136-142
Section 17. Cup product in cohomology p. 142-151
Boris Botvinnik
305 Fenton Hall, Department of Mathematics
University of Oregon, Eugene OR 97403-1222, U.S.A.
Phone 1-503-346-5636
Email: < . >