1. Common Sense is a work of propaganda, not political theory. It is designed to promote action, not understanding. As political scientist Isaac Kramnick says, It was not Tom Paine's common sense but his rage that turned hundreds of thousands of Americans to thoughts of independence in the winter of 1776.'" 
            Discuss the statement above. (Focus on the characteristics of Common Sense rather than the reactions of Americans to it.)  You may also refer to your knowledge of Paine's other writings.  You may, of course, agree or disagree, in whole or in part, with the claims it makes. Be sure to discuss all parts of the statement.

2. What factors account for the fact that there were relatively few slave revolts in the United States on the scale of Turner's or larger than his?

            a) What made Common Sense so popular? 
            b) Why did Paine become so controversial and unpopular later?
            c) What lessons, if any, do the writings of Tom Paine that you’ve read have for us today?

4. “Nat Turner's revolt was the ill-conceived act of a madman. Doomed to certain failure, it succeeded only in shedding innocent blood and strengthening the hold of slavery in the United States.”
        Discuss the statement above. You may, of course, agree or disagree, in whole or in part, with the claims it makes. Be sure to discuss all parts of the statement.

5. You are preparing to teach a class for immigrants to the United States who are preparing to become citizens. To become citizens, they should know what the Declaration of Independence says; you also want to teach them what it meant to Americans in the era of the American Revolution. What are the main points that you will try to get across in your class?

6. “Nat Turner's revolt was an act of political and military brilliance and heroism. It failed due to unforeseeable accidents and bad luck, but had it succeeded it would have struck a major blow against slavery. Even as it was, it shook and weakened the foundations of slave ownersconfidence and helped pave the way for its eventual downfall.”
        Discuss the statement above. You may, of course, agree or disagree, in whole or in part, with the claims it makes. Be sure to discuss all parts of the statement.

Instructions for the Exam:
1. The test will be held on Tuesday, May 5 at the regular class time in the regular classroom. Please bring a blank examination booklet (available at UO Bookstore) to the test.   This is not an "open-book" exam.  You may not use notes or books at the time of the exam. You’ll have to turn off all forms of electronic communication during the exam.

2. At the time of the exam, I will give you a choice among at least three of the essay questions listed above. You will then select one of the three essays to answer.

3. At the time of the test, I will offer nine or ten items (people, events, concepts, etc.); you will select five of these. For each, identify in a brief paragraph and give an idea of its historical significance. Try to provide the relevant "who, what, why, when, where" information.  The items will be drawn from both readings and class sessions.  Most, if not all, will have appeared in both.

4. The essay is worth two-thirds of the midterm grade; the identifications will be worth one-third. The midterm as a whole is worth about one-fourth of the course grade.

History 350
Spring 2015