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Energy Conservation Tips

save money, energy, and our envirnonment


Many of the following energy conservation tips are simply common sense advice. However, sometimes common sense does not work its way into our busy schedules and day to day stresses. Please take a look at these simple ideas. If we all pitch in and do our part our total effort to conserve will make a difference.


Feeling cold? Layer clothing for comfort instead of turning up the heat.


Make it a HABIT to turn off lights and equipment when not in use!


Phantom Loads: Appliances that use remotes or clocks utilize energy at all times. Put these energy suckers on an outlet power strip that can be turned off when not in use.


Reduce the heat 10 degrees while you sleep or are away for the day.


Sleep with an extra blanket if you are cold at night.


Replace incandescent bulbs with compact fluorescent. They use 1/4 the energy and can last up to 10X as long.


According to EWEB, reducing your heat 3 degrees can save 5% on your heating bill.


Turn off the TV when not in use.


Turn off the lights when you are the last to leave any room.


Utilize task lighting whenever possible. (Task lighting refers to small lamps used focus light in desired area rather than lighting the whole room for one purpose.)


In the winter, if an on-campus room is too hot, don't simply open the window. Call facilities and ask to have the steam turned down. 541-346-2293


Wash your clothes in cold water.


Check out the Central Power Station's conservation tip sheet.