Grammar and style








My abbreviations

(See also the list of common proofreaders’ marks that I use)


? = I don’t understand/agree (but don’t take it personally)

awk = awkward word or phrase

colloq = colloquialism

frag = sentence fragment (lacking subject + verb in an independent clause; click here for further explanation)

int = interesting

run-on = two or more stand-alone sentences sandwiched together with only a comma (or with nothing at all; click here for further explanation)

prep’n = preposition (i.e. don’t end a sentence with a preposition)

P.V. = passive voice

w/c = faulty word choice


A squiggle under a word or group of words indicates awkward or inappropriate phrasing.

An arrow with a question mark above it indicates a connection (e.g. from one sentence to the next) that doesn’t seem to follow logically or stylistically.


If you can’t read my handwriting, ask me for clarification.