Geology 334, Sedimentology and Stratigraphy – Spring 2019 Schedule




Lecture  Topic


Lab (Tues or Thur 2:00-3:50)

Lab Room



Course Logistics, Introduction

Text Intro

0. Introduction to microscopes

Columbia 143



Global Cycles and River Discharge

P. Olsen Web Page




Weathering Processes and Products

Chapter 1

1. Sedimentary Rock Identification

Columbia 143



Petrology of Siliciclastic Sediments

Chapter 5





Chemical Sediments Overview

Ch. 6 (p. 135-154); 7.1-7.3

2. Siliciclastic Petrology

Columbia 143



Fundamentals of Fluid Flow (Josh Roering)

Chapter 2 (Sxn 2.1-2.3)





Sediment Transport, Intro to Bedforms

Ch. 2, and web page

3. Carbonate Petrology

Columbia 143



Bedforms and Cross Bedding

Chapter 4 (Sxn 4.1-4.3)




Mass-Transport Processes and Products

Chapter 2 (Sxn 2.4)

4. Grain-Size Analysis (MS Excel)

Cascade 101









Continental Depositional Environments

Chapter 8 (8.1-8.2)

5. Sedimentary Structures

Columbia 143



Marginal Marine Environments

Chapter 9





Field Trip to Oregon Coast (required)

Depart 8:00 a.m. from Onyx Bridge Parking Lot (on Franklin Blvd); details TBA



Marine Depositional Environments

Chapter 10

6. Stream Flow Calculations

Cascade 101



Stratigraphy Concepts - I (Kevin Gardner)

Ch. 12, and Prothero





Stratigraphy Concepts - II

Ch. 12, and Prothero

7. Ice Cores and Paleoclimate

Cascade 101



Sequence Stratigraphy

Ch. 13.1-13.3, web page





Global Cycles in the Stratigraphic Record

Ch. 12.4, andHandout

8. Process Stratigraphy

Columbia 143


Sedimentation and Tectonics

Ch. 16, and Handout





East Taiwan Basin Evolution (Larry Lai)

Reading TBA

Lab Exam

Columbia 143



Review for Final Exam




FINAL EXAM - 8:00 a.m.Wednesday June 12

This is the course plan, though we may need to make minor adjustments during the quarter.  Note that the lab meeting place changes during the quarter (see above).

Readings are from Boggs (2012) 5th edition, except as noted.  Readings not in Boggs will be supplied in class and/or on the course web page.

Note: All Lab and Homework assignments are due one week after they are assigned; any exceptions must be approved by Professor Dorsey or the GTF.


Non-Lab Assignment Due Dates (Spring 2019):

- Homework 1 (River Discharge): April 11

- Homework 2 (Acid Rain): April 18

- Homework 3 (Review Questions): April 25

- Homework 4 (Interpreting Depositional Environments): May 16

- Field Trip Report (or Alternate Report): May 23