Speaker: Bernd Ammann (MSRI) Title: A nonlinear Dirac equation of Yamabe type and constant mean curvature surfaces (joint work with E. Humbert and B. Morel, Nancy) Abstract: The subject of the talk is a conformally invariant functional on a compact Riemannian spin manifold $(M^n,g,\sigma)$. We show that the functional attains its infimum if the first positive eigenvalue $\lambda_1^+(M,g,\sigma)$ of the Dirac operator on $(M,g,\sigma)$ satisfies $$ \lambda_1^+(M,g,\sigma)\vol(M,g)^{1/n} < \lambda_1^+(S^n)\vol(S^n)^{1/n}. $$ We provide two applications of this result. As a first application, using the spinorial Weierstrass representation, the minimizer provides periodic constant mean curvature surfaces in the three-dimensional spaces of constant curvature $R^3$, $S^3$ and $H^3$. As a second application, we show that the first Dirac eigenvalue is bounded from below in a spin-conformal class, and the infimum is attained by a metric with certain singularities. In the last part of the talk, we present some theorems showing that the above inequality holds on a large class of manifolds, including all compact Riemann surfaces of genus $\geq 1$ with a suitable spin structure, all non-conformally-flat spin manifolds of dimension $\geq 7$, and all conformally flat spin manifolds whose Dirac operator has a non-trivial mass endomorphism or a non-trivial kernel. The subject of the talk has many analogies and relations to the solution of Yamabe's problem, which amounts to finding a constant scalar curvature metric in a given conformal class. In particular, the mass endomorphism mentioned above is a spinorial version of the ADM mass that appears in the solution of Yamabe's problem.