diffusion of responsibility - reduction in perceived individual responsibility, due to presence of other people.

2 reasons:

- self-serving interests

- informational component

mere exposure effect: The more exposure we have to a stimulus, the more apt we are to like it

Mita, Dermer & Knight, 1977 - mirror image/photo study

Zajonc (ZY-onz): We don't have to be aware of exposure for it to have an effect

Proximity effect on liking:

Segal and police academy students

Physical attractiveness is correlated with:

higher salaries

higher grades

being rated as smarter and nicer

Halo effect - tendency to attribute other positive qualities to someone with one salient positive quality.

Parental investment theory - idea that male and female mating strategies will differ depending on what is required of them in parenting.

Clues to female fertility:

- Youth

- Beauty

- Health

- .70 waist to hip ratio: sign of puberty and sign of ability to withstand difficulties of pregnancy

Kenrick and Gutierres (1980) - Charlie's Angels study - contrast effect

Pennebaker et al. (1979) - Don't the girls (and boys) all get prettier at closing time?

misattribution of arousal -- attributing arousal to wrong source

Dutton & Aron (1974) - "Bridge study"