Psych 456/556
Questions to Ponder for April 24, 2002 (and beyond)
Aronson's Chapter 4

1. What role do consistency, consensus and distinctiveness play for naive scientists trying to figure out the world?

2. Are we always cognitive misers? Why or why not?

3. What is priming? Can you think of a circumstance in which naturally occurring priming may have played a part in one of your social judgments?

4. What are framing effects, and why do they matter?

5. Distinguish between the attention decrement and interpretive set explanations of primacy in impression formation.

6. What is the representativeness heuristic? Think of an example.

7. What is the halo effect? How could you use it to your advantage?

8. How are stereotypes like heuristics?

9. Reconstructive memory is usually portrayed as a weakness of human cognition. How could reconstructive memory be advantageous to us?

10. Why does Aronson categorize human judgment as "conservative?"

11. What influences how predictive attitudes are of behaviors? Can you think of examples from previous chapters?

12. How do we think about ourselves differently than we think about others?