Psych 456/556
Questions to Ponder for May 1, 2002

1. Why are we motivated to reduce cognitive dissonance? Are there times we just deal with holding dissonant cognitions? Can you think of dissonance aspects of your life?

2. What are the various ways we can reduce dissonance?

3. How does dissonance help shed light on the some of the persuasion findings we have talked about?

4. By what means do we minimize any lingering doubts about past decisions?

5. Explain the role of escalation and irrevocability in cognitive dissonance.

6. Usually greater rewards bring greater compliance. When is this not the case?

7. How does cognitive dissonance explain our tendency to "blame the victim?"

8. How does self-esteem interact with dissonance?

9. Is there a physiological component to dissonance? Explain.

10. Explain Bem's self perception theory, and how it differs from dissonance explanations of behavior.