Questions to Ponder
McRae et al. (1994); Phelps et al. (2000)
May 22
1. What is the effect of suppressing stereotypes in the McRae et al. studies? What implications does this have for everyday life?

2. What is the possible alternative explanation McRae et al.'s Study 2 serves to rule out? What other added bonus does Study 2 contain? Do the results of Study 2 replicate Study 1?

3. In Study 3, McRae et al. seek to explain WHY suppressing a stereotype may result in rebound. What is the mechanism via which they believe this occurs? How do they measure the effect?

4. Do McRae et al. think stereotype suppression is an act that we have control over?

Questions about Phelps, O'Connor, Cunningham, Funayama, Gatenby, Gore & Banaji

Note: The structure of this article is a little different from other studies that you have read. All the really specific details about the methods come at the END of the article.

5. In general (and in this study), how do Whites' performance on conscious measures of racial attitudes toward Blacks differ from Whites' performance on unconscious measures of racial attitudes toward Blacks?

6. What part of the brain do these researchers focus on, and why?

7. What are the three measures of racial evaluation that the researchers collect? Which are conscious? Which are unconscious?

8. Got the following website and try the IAT: What pattern of results is considered to represent an implicit negative association with Blacks?

9. How was Study 2 different from Study 1? What alternative hypothesis was it designed to rule out?

10. Can the researchers establish a direction of causality between amygdala reaction and indirect measures of racial bias with this research? What is their theory about the causal chain of events that creates the pattern of results that they found?

11. How might unconscious measures of racial attitudes be related to conscious racial attitudes or behavior? Why might unconscious measures of racial attitudes NOT predict conscious attitudes or behavior?