456/556, Questions to Ponder, May 29 - Jun 2

1. In the Snyder, Tanke & Berscheid study, how did experimenters manipulate how attractive male subjects thought the female subjects were? What were female subjects told of this manipulation? Did subjects get to see in each other in person in this experiment?

2. In the Snyder et al. study, how were male subjects' opinions of the female subjects affected by the pictures? How was their behavior affected? How in turn did this affect the female subjects' behavior? What independent confirmation of a true self-fulfilling prophecy is there in this study?

3. Do you think the Snyder et al. study would work if females were given pictures of male subjects? [If you want to find out what researchers discovered, you can go read Andersen, S. M., & Bem, S. L. (1981). Sex typing and androgyny in dyadic interaction: Individual differences in responsiveness to physical attractiveness. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 41, 74-86.]

4. Subjects in Kenrick and Gutierres' Study 1 were not randomly assigned to condition. Why was this, and why might it be problematic in interpreting the results? How did the experimenters control for this in Study 2?

5. How many independent variables were there in Kenrick and Gutierres' Study 3? Why did Kenrick and Gutierres adapt one of the dependent variables for women in Study 3? What indication of conformity is there in this study?

6. What is the "Farrah factor?" Is it a problem? Why or why not?

7. What are the variables that affect opposite sex attractiveness in Pennebaker et al.'s study?

8. What was the procedure for the Pennebaker et al. study? Was it a true experiment (i.e., did the researchers manipulate the independent variable?)

9. What is an alternative hypothesis that might explain why people in bars appear more attractive over time? What could you do to try to rule this hypothesis out?

10. Why did Pennebaker et al. have participants rate the attractiveness of both genders, instead of just rating the gender they were romantically interested in?