Critiquing Research Claims

- selective subject loss/attrition

- expt=r effects

- demand characteristics

- placebo effects

- Hawthorne effects

- testing intact groups/lack of random assignment

- regression towards the mean


ceiling effect - truncation of data at the top of a distribution due to limit on highest possible score


floor effect - truncation of data at the bottom of a distribution due to limit on lowest possible score


Factorial (Complex) Designs

ex. of a 2 x 2:

two levels of one IV - stats prep: didn't take Psy 302/did take Psy 302

two levels of other IV - sex: male/female


interaction--when the effect of one independent variable differs depending on the level of a second independent variable






didn't take Psy 302



took Psy 302



Another example: sensitivity to various smells at different times of the day (morning and afternoon)
4 x 2 within subjects factorial design (each research participant smell 4 different vials, at two different times)  

























When to Use Each Statistic:

1 continuous dep variable, 2 groups

(1 factor, 2 levels)

----> t-test


2 continuous variables, no groups

----> correlation (r)


1 continuous dep variable, 3 or more groups (1 factor/inde var, 3 or more levels)

----> ANOVA

(analysis of variance)


1 continuous dep variable, more than one set of 2 or more groups (more than one factor/inde var, each with 2 or more levels)

----> ANOVA

(analysis of variance)


categorical dep variable

-----> chi-square

error variance--variance in the dependent measure that is due to unexplained factors; variance not attributable to independent variables

F ratio =

                       explained variance (between groups)
                          error variance (within groups)
Statistical power -- ability to demonstrate an effect when there really is one OR ability to reject the null hypothesis when it is untrue

Power= 1- beta

More power with
-- big N (number of subjects or data points)
-- big effect size
-- bigger alpha


- exact replication

- partial replication

Advantages of replication:
-- Helps reduce possibility of alpha error
-- Increases generalizability