On Friday, April 23, you will turn in five references that you think you will be using for your final paper, plus a few sentences about what you think you want to do your paper on. The purpose of this assignment is to help you finalize your topic and to start doing some reading for it. In class that day, you will talk about your paper topics with your other group members, so that you can get feedback on your topic, and share possible resources for references.

- The references should be listed in APA style.

- The five references do not necessarily have to be in your final paper. It is also expected that you will be using many more than these five references in your final paper (at least 10 and probably more like 15-25 for a good paper).

- The more thought you put into your topic at this point, the more feedback we can give you about it.

Sample (in small font to save paper; please use regular font for this assignment) :

I am interested in whether the comparison strategies and comparison effects we have read about in class apply when people make self judgments and compare themselves to others. For example, the Hodges (1997) article talked about how shared features of options Acancel@ out. Does this happen when people compare themselves to someone who shares traits with them? I am also interested in contrast effects in self-other comparisons, and how anchoring affects judgments of the self. I will be looking for articles that have found evidence that these strategies are used in self-other comparisons, as well as speculating about why judgments about the self may be different from other kinds of judgments we make, possibly due to the fact that we have more knowledge about the self, and that we are motivated to think positive things about the self.


Biernat, M. Manis, M., & Kobrynowicz, D. (1997). Simultaneous assimilation and contrast effects in

judgments of self and others. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 73, 254-269.

Campbell, J. D. (1990). Self-esteem and clarity of the self-concept. Journal of Personality and Social

Psychology, 59,

Catrambone, R., Beike, D., & Neidenthal, P. (1996). Is the self-concept a habitual referent in judgments of

similarity? Psychological Science, 7, 158-163.

Hodges, S. D. (1997). When matching up features messes up decisions: The role of feature matching in

successive choices. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 72, 1310-1321.

Houston, D. A., & Sherman, S. J. (1995). Cancellation and focus: The role of shared and unique features in
the choice process. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 31, 357-378.