Heresy & Orthodoxy: The Diversity of Early Christianity


The Gospel of Thomas

§         Nag Hammadi Library—copied ca. 350; discovered 1945

§         Thomas very early: Egyptian fragments from 200

§         Originated probably in Edessa: between 50-150, probably ca. 100

§         Judas Didymus Thomas

§         Synoptic Problem and “Q”

§         Canonical Sayings Trad—e.g.: 9,10, 20, 26, 31, 47, 63, 64, 65, 76,  89, 95, 96, 109—many considered more “authentic”


Marcion of Sinope (d. 160)

§         Ca. 135 moves to Rome: wrote The Contradictions

§         Two Gods: God of Hebrew Bible/Jews & God of Jesus/New Testament/Christians

§         Canon=only Luke/Acts & 10 Pauline letters

§         Asceticism, Docetism

Gnosticism (see handout)

·         Two Primary Characteristics:

1.        Salvation by Knowledge

2.        Creation by a “second god”: the “Demiurge”; “Craftsman”

·         Combination of Platonic and Judeo-Christian mythology


The NT Canon

§         Athanasius: 367

§         Ca 300:


Almost Everyone Agrees On:

Most Agree On But Disputed:

Most Disagree On:

a.        Mt, Mk, Lk, Jn, Acts

b.       Paul-except Pastorals

c.        1 Jn

a.        2 & 3 Jn

b.       Hebrews

c.        James & Jude

d.       Pastorals

a.        Revelation

b.       Didache

c.        1 Clement