Information from the Faculty Handbook Chapter III

A. Academic Freedom

The University of Oregon has a long and illustrious history in the area of academic freedom and freedom of speech. Most recently the university¹s students established a free-speech plaza at the EMU where anyone can come and express views. Each year the faculty bestows a free speech award in the honor and memory of former university president, Charles Johnson, who advocated for freedom of speech for dissenters during the Vietnam War.

The State Board of Higher Education has promulgated the following rule outlining the rights and responsibilities related to Academic Freedom:

Academic Freedom OAR 580-22-005

Information from OAR 580-022-0005

Academic Freedom

(1) All teachers in Department institutions are entitled to freedom in the classroom in discussing subjects, but they should be careful not to introduce into their teaching controversial matter that has no relation to the subject.

(2) As a matter of policy the Board neither attempts to control, sway nor limit the personal opinion or expression of that opinion of any person on the faculty or otherwise on the Department's payroll. In the exercise of this freedom of expression, faculty members should manifest appropriate restraint, should show respect for the opinions of others, and should make every effort to indicate that they do not speak on behalf of the Department or institution.

Stat. Auth.: ORS 351.070 Stats. Implemented: ORS 351.070 Hist.: HEB 3-1978, f. & ef. 6-5-78; HEB 1-1993, f. & cert. ef. 2-5-93; HEB 5-1996, f. & cert. ef. 12-18-96

The Mission statement

The University of Oregon is a comprehensive research university that serves its students and the people of Oregon, the nation, and the world through the creation and transfer of knowledge in the liberal arts, the natural and social sciences, and the professions. It is the Association of American Universities flagship institution of the Oregon University System.

The university is a community of scholars dedicated to the highest standards of academic inquiry, learning, and service. Recognizing that knowledge is the fundamental wealth of civilization, the university strives to enrich the public that sustains it through

Recommendations by AAUP on Campus Level

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