MEMO TO: The University of Oregon Senate
MEMO FROM: The Senate Executive Committee
DATE: 18 April 1999

The Senate Executive Committee observed that there were two equally strong alternative viewpoints at the Senate Meeting on 14 April 1999. One viewpoint was that PTR Document from the Senate Conference Committee was the best of the proposals presented to the senate but that it might need minor revisions. The second viewpoint was that the PTR Document from the Senate Conference Committee unnecessarily increases faculty and administrative work load, and a minimal update of the current Post Tenure Review Regulations is preferable.

The Senate Executive Committee has decided to pursue implementation of both of these viewpoints for presentation to the Senate. The Senate Executive Committee will discuss with the Conference Committee possible revisions to the PTR Document from the Senate Conference Committee. The Senate Executive Committee will also prepare a revision of the existing Post Tenure Review Regulations.

We will consult widely on both of these documents and we welcome input from any member of Assembly. We plan to have a draft of both documents on the web by Wednesday April 28 for comment and feedback by all concerned. We plan to have final versions posted a week later by Wednesday May 5. Hard copies are available upon request. Both revised documents will be presented formally to the Senate at its next meeting on 12 May 1999.

Peter B Gilkey (For the Senate Executive Committee)

MEMO TO: Professor Mike Russo (Chair Senate Conference Committee)
MEMO FROM: The Senate Executive Committee
DATE: 18 April 1999

Dear Mike:

The Senate Executive Committee has met and has decided that two documents will be brought to the floor of the Senate. One will be the PTR Document from the Senate Conference Committee (either revised or as it stands). The second will be an updated version of the current PTR policies.

The Senate Executive Committee believes there are some potential problems with the PTR Document from the Senate Conference Committee, both technical and interpretative that may cause difficulties in the future. However, we also strongly believe that any revision to the PTR Document from the Senate Conference Committee must have the prior approval of the Senate Conference Committee before it is presented to the full Senate.

The Senate Executive Committee believes that the most efficient way to proceed is to first have an informal meeting between representatives of both committees. I therefore propose that you and I, as chairs of our committees, meet informally with the purpose of exchanging ideas about potential revisions to the PTR Document from the Senate Conference Committee. We can then decide how to proceed.

Peter B Gilkey (For the Senate Executive Committee)

Message ends. Some related relevant web pages are: