Fac motion concerning Post Tenure Review

The following document was provided by the Secretary of the Senate. It contains information about the creation of the Senate Ad Hoc Committee on PTR


The University Senate shall appoint a committee to study the motion proposed by the Faculty Advisory Council concerning post tenure review and to consult widely with the University community on all aspects of the matter, including the financial implications. The committee shall report back to the senate by the last senate meeting of the fall term 1998, and the senate shall take action on the committee's recommendation by the end of winter term 1999.


On April 8, 1998, the Faculty Advisory Council (FAC) gave notice that it intended to move, at the May 13, 1998 Senate meeting, that the Senate approve a post-tenure review policy statement. A copy of that statement is appended to this Motion. In making the motion, the FAC noted the following language from the University of Oregon's 1997 Accreditation Report from the Commission on Colleges:

"The committee recommends that institutional administrators take immediate action to ensure campus-wide compliance with the requirements of Standard VII and Commission Policy 26 for the continuing review of faculty. Commission Policy 26 requires that every faculty member at every institution must be subject to some type of substantive performance evaluation at least every third year. The committee found much unevenness across campus in the implementation of campus policies for faculty review, especially review of tenured faculty. Furthermore, 1996 Faculty Handbook requires post-tenure review for tenured faculty at the rank of full professor only every five years. Hence, the institution needs to be sure it complies with Standard VII - Instructional Staff and Commission Policy 26 - Faculty Evaluation."

The FAC further noted that "[d]uring the 1997-98 Academic Year, the Faculty Advisory Council has worked on revision of the university's policy for post-tenure review. The impetus for this review and revision grew out of the 1994 report of the Commission on Faculty Rewards and Development. The need for revision in our existing policy was also emphasized during the recent accreditation review and recommendation (above)."

In response to the FAC's motion, the Faculty Personnel Committee (FPC) indicated that it wished to move to refer the post-tenure review policy to a Senate committee for consideration. The FPC's proposed motion was as follows:

[Preamble]: The FPC is charged with giving advice regarding personnel matters. The FPC feels that the motion to come before the Senate in May 1998 concerning Post Tenure Review deals not only with process but also with significant personnel policy issues. The FPC feels that this proposal requires further study and debate before being placed to a vote. The FPC therefore respectfully submits the following motion for consideration by the University Senate: [Motion]: The Senate shall appoint a committee to study the motion proposed by the FAC concerning Post Tenure Review and to consult widely with the University community on all aspects of the matter, including the financial implications. The committee shall report back to the Senate during Fall 1998 and final action by the Senate on the matter shall be postponed until that time.

The FAC concurs with the referral and hereby moves as indicated above.

APPENDIX Title: Post-Tenure Review

PURPOSE: To state the University's policy and to outline procedures for implementing post-tenure review of the faculty as directed by OAR 580-21-140.

POLICY:  The University provides for regular post-tenure review of its faculty to encourage, to reward, and to support the continuous development of tenured members of the faculty, and through the process of peer review to identify faculty members who merit special recognition or need special assistance.

CRITERIA The procedure for post-tenure review relates closely to the regular academic review process for faculty. In addition to the thorough reviews associated with the promotion and tenure process, a faculty member's performance is documented through informal yearly evaluations and formal evaluations conducted every three years. The following criteria (elaborated in the Faculty Handbook) are to be used in all post-tenure reviews:

The information to be considered in decisions concerning post-tenure review will include the faculty memberís statement of scholarly, scientific, professional or artistic accomplishments, goals and plans; an up-to-date vita and bibliography; accumulated annual faculty evaluation reports; faculty memberís responses, if any. Additional information including any of the following may be requested: Ý A statement from the department head, dean or provost summarizing the past duties and responsibilities of the faculty member, including pertinent information concerning the conditions of appointment and expectations in the areas of teaching, research and service. Student evaluations, peer evaluations and other materials relating to the quality of teaching, supervision of graduate students and advising. In appropriate instances, letters of evaluation from individuals both on and off campus, with particular attention to evaluations by persons specially qualified to judge the contributions of the faculty member over the period of review. Supportive documents such as copies of publications, manuscripts, photographs of art objects, musical compositions, or reviews of performance. Documents demonstrating leadership in service to the University and/or larger community, including outreach service to the State of Oregon. Other evaluative statements.

The nationally recognized criteria for obtaining indefinite tenure place approximately equal emphasis on demonstrated excellence in teaching and research, and considerably less emphasis on service. As tenured faculty progress through their professional careers, some may redirect their focus in the broad areas of research, teaching, administration and service. Consequently, expectations for, and goals of, individual faculty members may change throughout their careers. For the purpose of post-tenure review, the fundamental criterion is demonstrated excellence in meeting the expectations and goals established by the department for the individual faculty member. If it is in the department's and the University's best interests to have a tenured faculty member focus more on teaching and administration/service, post-tenure review for that individual should emphasize, acknowledge and reward demonstrated excellence in those areas.Ý A key aspect of this program is therefore establishment of the professional expectations for individual faculty members.