University Senate Meeting
204 Condon Hall, 3:00 - 4:30 p.m.
December 4, 1996

1. Call to order

2. Approval of minutes.

3. Announcements and communications from senators/floor:

3.1 Reminder: The Interinstitutional Faculty Senate will be hosting a forum on Dec. 14th in Portland for all interested faculty organizations to share plans, thoughts and strategies for the upcoming legislative session. This Senate will be represented, however, other University of Oregon faculty groups who may be interested in this forum should be notified.
3.2 Other

4. Unfinished business
4.1 Preliminary Discussion of the "Building A Senate Agenda" Project.
4.2 The Senate Executive Committee makes the following motion: A Senate Study Committee be appointed by the Senate President to prepare a descriptive summary of 1) Current national discussions over the status of tenure at major public universities with potential implications for OSSHE and the University of Oregon and 2) Current statewide discussions, inside and outside of the OSSHE system, on the status of tenure with potential implications for the University of Oregon. The report would be delivered no later than the last meeting of the Winter 1997 session.

5. New Business
5.1 Review of University Curriculum Committee Term Report (Deferred
to January meeting).

6. Adjourn

7. Notice of Senate Meeting Dates for the Remainder of the 1996-97 Academic Year (Same time 3:00- 4:30 p.m.):
January 15, February 12, March 12, April 9, May 14, May 28.

"All members of the University Assembly have the right to introduce legislation and shall
have the right to the floor on any matter under discussion in the University Senate"
-- Senate Bylaws

Web Address for the Senate is: