University Senate Meeting

Wednesday, January 14, 1998

3:00 p.m., 115 Lawrence


3:00 Call to order

1. Approval of the Minutes

3:05 2. State of the University

2.1 "Conversation with Dave" - An informal discussion with President Frohnmayer

2.2 Report from the Interinstitutional Faculty Senate -- Paul Simonds

2.3 Announcements and communications from senators

4:00 3. Unfinished Business

3.1 Motion US97-12 from the Undergraduate Education Policy and Coordinating Council: Elimination of double-counting of B.A. foreign language and B.S. mathematics and CIS courses for group-satisfying credit

3.2 Motion US97/98-8 from the ASUO: Extend the drop/add date

4:40 4. New Business

4.1 University Curriculum Committee - Fall 1997 Report

5:00 Adjournment