University Senate Meeting
204 Condon Hall, 3:00 - 4:30 p.m.
January 15, 1997

1. Call to order

2. Approval of minutes from Nov. 13 and Dec. 4.

3. Announcements and communications from senators/floor:
3.1 Note there will be a public hearing of OAR Amendment 571-003-0025 concerning "Prohibited Discrimination, Harassment and Sexual Harassment at the University", at 5:00 p.m. Thursday, January 30, 1997.
3.2 Other

4. Unfinished business
4.1 Report and Discussion on Current Procedures for Review of Administrators. Written report to be distributed in advance of meeting.
4.2 Review of priorities of "Building a Senate Agenda" as amended by the Senate Executive Committee in light of December 4th discussion. See attachment.

5. New Business

5.1 Request for endorsement of the spirit of the following in IFS statement to legislature*:

Dear Senator/Representative:

Each of us who signs this letter represents and organization concerned about the future of public higher education in Oregon which we view as an integral element in Oregon's education continuum from pre-K through 16 plus.

For several years the state of Oregon steadily disinvested in its public colleges and universities, with the result that whole programs were eliminated and tuition costs were drastically increased. At the last legislative session, legislators stopped this process and protected the funding of higher education. We are all grateful for their work. Higher education in Oregon, however, is still suffering the effects of years of budget cuts.

Therefore, with a new legislative session before you, we ask that you make the following your goals for higher education:

-- To fund at least the present range of course offerings, so that all Oregonians will have the programs that they need for their intellectual, professional, and economic development.

-- To freeze the cost of tuition, so that Oregonians will not be denied access for lack of money, and students in college will not, as many do now, have to devote to supporting themselves time that they need for their studies.

-- To raise faculty salaries to a level close to the national average so that excellent faculty can be attracted and current faculty retained.

-- To provide adequate funding for those courses and those programs that are needed for Oregon's economic development.

All of our organizations support these goals and will gladly provide whatever information or other assistance we can to help you realize them within the context of seamless education in Oregon.

Jack Cooper, PSU, Drafter

*Note: Among those cooperating in the drafting of the above statement include Gratan Kerans, director of Government Relations for OSSHE, as well as various unions, faculty of all campuses, and the Chancellor's Office. Following our discussion and potential endorsement there would be one final round of editing before the statement is sent out.

5.2 Presentation and review of University Curriculum Committee Term Report for Fall 1996. UCC Chair Steven Chatfield presenting.

5.3 Discussion of "Issues of Governance" from "Building A Senate Agenda" revised priority list (see attachment).

Item: Student Input/Participation in University Senate

6. Adjournment

Notice of Senate Meeting Dates for the Remainder of the 1996-97 Academic Year (Same time 3:00- 5:00 p.m.):

February 12, March 12, April 9, May 14, May 28.

"All members of the University Assembly have the right to introduce legislation and shall have the right to the floor on any matter under discussion in the University Senate"
-- Senate Bylaws

Web Address for the Senate is: http://darkwing.uoregon.edu/~acadaff/senate/uosenate.html


January 5, 1997

TO: The Senate
FROM: The Senate Executive Committee (Bybee, Tedards, Anderson, Engleking, Kintz, Westling, Unger, Hawkins, Steigelman (ex-officio)) RE: Revised Priorities for Spring/Winter Consideration of "Building a Senate Agenda"

Dear Senators,

Following our valuable discussion of University Senate Agenda priorities for Spring/Winter terms during our December 4th, 1996 meeting, the Senate Executive Committee was directed to meet and working with this as well as other input to come up with a revised list of action priorities.

Taking its lead from our discussion, the Executive Committee decided to organized these action goals under three broad headings: Issues of Governance; Issues of Productivity/Educational Quality; and Issues of Faculty/Student Resources and Quality of Academic Life. While there are some problems with these headings (overlap, scope, etc.) it was decided that they conveyed a good sense of the range and importance of faculty and student concerns voiced in the Building a Senate Agenda survey. Further we believed that it was important that the Senate make some initial efforts to address issues under each of these headings -- not in the hope of exhaustively considering all possible issues, but in setting a precedent of concern for each area.

Our next task, therefore was to identify a few specific items under each heading which could receive some initial attention during our Winter/Spring meetings and which held the greatest potential for achieving action, even if that action only be in the form of information gathering or tentative resolution.

With all of the above in mind, the following items will be placed on our Winter/Spring agenda. This does not guarantee that they will be addressed or resolved nor does it guarantee that other issues which may arise might drive them off of our work list. Nevertheless, it is hoped that they provide a beginning to a forward looking, action oriented, Senate process.

1. Issues of Governance: January 15 and February 12.


* Administration Review Policy
* Student Input/Participation in University Senate

2. Issues of Faculty/Student Resources and Quality of Life: March 12 and April 9.


* Salary Compression Issues (Background and Status)
* Library Support (Background and Status)
* Domestic Partner Benefits (Background and Status)
* Tuition Remission/Reduction for Faculty/Staff Dependents (Background
and Status)
* Parking: Reconsideration of Priorities and Fees for Reserved Parking

3. Issues of Productivity and Educational Quality


* Intended and Unintended Consequences of the Productivity Plan
* Educational Technology and Educational Quality (Background and Status)