University Senate Meeting 5/14/97

University Senate Meeting
May 14, 1997 110 Fenton Hall, 3:00 p.m.


1. Call to order

2. Approval of minutes from April 9, 1997 senate meeting

3. Unfinished business

3.1  Committee on Committee motions
3.1.1  Motion US 97-7 - Intercollegiate Athletics Committee.  Change
eligible faculty membership on committee from tenure track only to any
full time officers of instruction.
3.1.2  Motion US 97-8 - Committee on Research.  Rename this committee to
Committee on Summer Research Awards.
3.1.3.  Motion US 97-9 - Academic Standards Committee and Committee on
Academic Advising.  Change reporting authority through the Undergraduate
Education Policy Coordinating Council. Motion US 97-11 - Library Committee.  Clarification that this
committee reports to the senate.
3.2  Student Conduct Code Committee motion
3.2.1 Motion US 97-10 - Sexual Misconduct.   Describes sexual misconduct;
defines rape and sexual assault.
3.3  OAR  571-04-007 - Conflicts of Interest and Abuses of Power: Sexual
or Romantic Relationships with Students.  Proposed Oregon Administrative
Rule to discourage sexual or romantic relationships between faculty/staff
and students; describes appropriate arrangements should such relationships

4. New Business

4.1  Recommendations of Committee on Committees for committee appointments
for 1997-98.
4.2  Senate Nominating Committee - New members for Committee on
4.3  University Curriculum Committee Report for spring - Mr. Steven
Chatfield, chair. 
4.4  Undergraduate Education Policy and Coordinating Council - Notice of
4.4.1 Motion US 97-12 - Elimination of double counting  of B.A. foreign
language and B.S. mathematics and CIS courses for group-satisfying credit.  
4.4.2 Motion US 97-13 - Concurrent Baccalaureate Degrees.  Establishes
conditions for students earning concurrent baccalaureate degrees.
4.5  Parking and transportation alternatives - Status report from Senators
Paul Engelking and Linda Kintz.
4.6 Technology and educational quality - Status report from Senator Dan

5.  Announcements and communications from the floor

5.1 Budget information
5.2 Fee change public hearing
5.3 Call for University Senate vice president nominations 
5.4 Results of
the University Senate Spring Survey 1997 
5.5 Results of University Senate Spring election. 
5.6 Final Senate meeting:  May 28, 1997, 3:00 p.m. organizational
meeting for new and current senators.  Place to be announced later.

6.  Adjournment