Motion US97/98-10 -- add two questions to required course evaluation questionnaires. It is proposed that University Senate legislation of May 8, 1996 pertaining to Student Evaluation of Teaching and Learning be amended to add the following two required questions on course evaluations under section I. Quantitative Student Evaluation of Teaching and Learning, Item 3.:
c. In comparison with other UO courses of this size and level, do you believe that the class time was well organized and efficiently used throughout the course?
d. In comparison with other UO courses of this size and level, how well did your instructor encourage communication outside of class time? This change is to take effect fall, 1999 to allow use of existing supplies of forms.
Passed 13 May 1998
This file was created during a retrospective examination of Senate records performed by Laura Lorita.
  • This motion has been replaced by US07/08-19
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