Meeting of the University Senate Wednesday, April 11, 2001


123 Pacific, 3:00 p.m.





3:00     Call to Order


3:05     1. Approval of the minutes from March 14, 2001


3:10     2. Announcements and comments from the floor


2.1.   Update on nominations for faculty elections – Gwen Steigelman


2.2.   University Administrative reorganization President Dave Frohnmayer


3:25     3. Standing Committee Reports


            3.1 Senate Budget Committee Interim Report – David Frank


3:35     4. Special and Ad Hoc committee reports


            4.1 Ad Hoc Committee on Trademark Licensing and Monitoring


4:00     5. Unfinished Business


5.1 Resolution US00/01-4 -- Avoid scheduling major athletic competitions/events that conflict with final exams – James Earl


4:15     6. New Business


6.1 Motion US00/01-3 -- Amend group satisfying general education requirements -- John Nicols, chair, Undergraduate Council


4:30     6.2 Resolution US00/01-5 Develop policies regarding rising costs of scholarly journals and authors’ retention of copyright -- Gina Psaki, chair, Library Committee


4:45     6.3 Distinguished Service Award nominations – Dave Hubin 

                        [This agenda item acted on during Executive Session]


5:00             Adjournment





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