March 15, 2002

TO: Dr. Joseph Cox, Chancellor, Oregon University System
FROM: Nathan Tublitz, President, Univ. of Oregon Senate
CC: University of Oregon Faculty Advisory Committee and Senate Executive Committee

Two news reports today prompt this letter.

The first was a front page article in today's Register-Guard detailing your support of raising the salaries of the Presidents of OUS institutions. This announcement, although welcomed for all the obvious reasons, begs the obvious question about publicly supporting improvements in faculty salaries, which, as you are well aware, lag the national average at least as much as those of OUS University Presidents if not more. The notion of OUS University Presidents receiving raises in the absence of similar increases to faculty follows the much-ballyhooed corporate trend to increase executive compensation at a much higher rate than that of other employees. Does OUS want to follow the path of corporatization this closely, given its potentially negative ramifications?

The second item concerns an announcement that you are in the process of discussing a newly formulated OUS Strategic Plan with the State Board. Do you plan on discussing the plan with faculty before it is publicly announced? I strongly suggest that you consider meeting with the IFS and campus faculty leaders to get their views and input on such an important document before the final version is completed. As importantly, does this strategic plan make mention of improving academic quality at OUS institutions and a commitment to securing the funds to underwrite such improvement? If not, I suggest that improving academic quality be not only included in the OUS strategic plan but highlighted as a central goal.

Both issues Ð improving faculty salaries and aspiring towards academic excellence Ð are clearly intertwined. Improvements on both fronts will have very positive and tangible effects on our students and their futures. I urge you to make these two issues the top priorities of the Chancellor's office and the State Board.

I ask that you share this letter with members of the State Board. Thank you for considering these comments and I look forward to your reply. 

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