Motion US0102-5 (Participation of Classified Staff in the University Senate)

It is proposed to amend the bylaws of the UO Senate to add a section:

4.13 Classified staff participation: 4.13 Classified staff participation: Three classified staff shall be elected to serve as non-voting participants in the University Senate. Classified staff participants shall have the right to the floor on any matter under discussion in the University Senate and shall abide by the usual regulations adopted by the University Senate for its members.  The Secretary shall arrange for the election of the classified staff participants following election and eligibility procedures for officers of administration as described in the University Senate enabling legislation sections 3, 4, and 5.

Passed by the UO Senate 10 April 2002
This was repealed by the UO Senate 13 February 2008 when US07/08-9 was passed which amended Section 4.13 of the Senate Enabling Legislation to read "Three classified staff shall be elected to serve in the University Senate. Classified staff Senators shall have the same rights as other Senators, including full voting privileges, and shall abide by all regulations adopted by the University Senate for its members. The Secretary shall arrange for the election of the classified staff Senators following election and eligibility procedures for officers of administration as described in the University Senate enabling legislation sections 3, 4, and 5." This is effective Fall 2008.

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