The accompanying table details the distribution of students taking 1-26 credits hours as of 1 Mar 02 separated by major. These data differs from the 26 Feb 02 data in that the data are derived from registration information as of 1 Mar 02. Unlike the 26 Feb 02 credit data, this table specifically excludes self-support courses such as remedial math and english, ESL, and some dance, music and PE courses. The 2nd column from the left, labelled "SS", contains those students who are only registered for self-support courses. The four righthand columns represent, respectively, the total number of students this term, the number of students taking 17 or more credits this term, the percentage of all students taking 17 or more credits this term, and, the percentage of fulltime students (at least 12 credits) taking 17 or more credits this term. The percentage figures do not include the data in the SS column in the calculations. The main points of the table are: *
  N.B. This table does not include data from Honors College students. That data can be found on a separate table.
Nathan Tublitz Professor of Biology Institute of Neuroscience University of Oregon Eugene OR 97403 USA Phone: 1-541-346-4510 FAX: 1-541-346-4548
Web page spun on 5 March 2002 by Peter B Gilkey 202 Deady Hall, Department of Mathematics at the University of Oregon, Eugene OR 97403-1222, U.S.A. Phone 1-541-346-4717 of Deady Spider Enterprises