Thu, 23 Sep 2004 12:01:54 -0700
Date: Thu, 23 Sep 2004 12:02:02 -0700
From: Frank Stahl <>
Subject: amended posting

Dear Peter,

In order to facilitate amendment, discussion, and voting on Motion US03/04 10 at the Senate meeting of October 13, I have attached the motion as I intend it to be amended at that meeting. I understand that Peter Gilkey will post this "amended" motion on the Senate web site.

Franklin W. Stahl
American Cancer Society Professor
Institute of Molecular Biology
1370 Franklin Boulevard
1229 University of Oregon
Eugene, OR, USA 97403-1229
Tel: 541-346-6096
Fax: 541-346-5891

Expanded Motion to Enable the Assembly.

Submitted by Frank Stahl (Assembly Member), Biology September 23, 2004

Except for item (k), this motion is identical to "Motion US03/04 10 Enable the University Assembly to Convene with Full Legislative Authority" introduced at the Senate Meeting of May 12, 2003 and scheduled to be debated and voted on at the meeting of October 13, 2004. Item (k) will be introduced as a friendly amendment at that meeting.

WHEREAS: Section 6.6 of the Enabling Legislation of the UO governance document requires that a UO Assembly with full legislative power shall be convened after a petition to do so has been signed by 33% of the 3Voting Faculty2, and

WHEREAS: convening the Assembly with 3full legislative power2 requires the attendance of a majority of the Assembly members as prescribed by the Oregon Public Meetings Law, and

WHEREAS: in the absence of explicit provisions, this quorum cannot be met, be it

MOVED THAT: The University adopt the following procedures to enable an Assembly to convene with full legislative power: