Charge to the Senate Ad Hoc Committee

on the Student Conduct Code

May 11, 2005



Charge & Responsibilities


The Senate Ad Hoc Committee on the Student Conduct Code shall be responsible for: (1) reviewing the draft conduct code forwarded by the Student Conduct Committee, editing the committee’s draft as appropriate, and preparing a revised version for consideration by the Senate; (2) insuring that the initial Senate draft is approved by the University’s legal counsel prior to bringing it to the Senate for consideration; (3) coordinating, in consultation with the University Senate President and Senate Executive Committee, opportunities for review of the draft by the campus community and Senate; (4) reporting to the Senate on comments received during the review process; and (5) based on comments received from the Senate and the university community, preparing a final draft for consideration and a vote by the University Senate. 




The membership of the Senate Ad Hoc Committee on the Student Conduct Code will be determined by the President of the University Senate in consultation with the Senate Executive Committee. 




The Senate Ad Hoc Committee on the Student Conduct Code shall report to the University Senate.  The solicitation of Senate and university community comments will follow the model developed by the President’s Task Force on Athletics.  At a minimum, reporting and communicating responsibilities of the committee will include: (1) providing a copy of the draft conduct code as finalized by the ad hoc committee to the University Senate; (2) coordinating, in conjunction with the Senate President and Executive Committee, invitations to small group meetings where interested parties can comment on the draft; (3) presenting a summary of these comments to the Senate; and (4) presenting a copy of the final draft code prepared by the ad hoc committee accompanied by a motion to adopt the revised code.  Written reports and drafts of the code shall be submitted by the Committee Chair to the Secretary of the University Senate at least ten days prior to the Senate meeting at which they will be discussed.   The committee shall also make additional written or oral reports to the Senate as appropriate.






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