Final Committee report from the PTRAC

From: Peter Gilkey (
Time: Fri, 12 May 2006 07:16:36 -0700
Subject: Final Committee report from the PTRAC

Dear Gwen, Peter, and Jeanne:

The PTRAC (Promotion, Tenure, Retention, Appeals Committee) is mandated by OAR 571-003-0015. It meets only when there are cases to consider -- the chair is elected at the first meeting of the committee in each academic year. I acted as convenor of the committee this year. The committee had no cases to consider and thus did not meet and consequently no chair was selected.

The work load of the committee is very variable. Some years the committee has several cases to consider and sometimes none. As convenor of the committee, and in the absence of a chair, I am therefore making this annual report by the PTRAC pursuant to faculty legislation which mandates annual committee reports by each of the standing University Committees.

I respectfully request that this report be posted on the Senate Reports page for archival purposes.

Peter B Gilkey Convenor PTRAC 2005/6

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