This document was made available to members of the UO Senate in advance of the debate on US05/06-2. It is presented only for archival purposes.

Arguments regarding Motion US05/06-2 for members of the UO Senate in preparation for Wednesday's discussion of New Business:

Arguments in favor:

There are numerous reasons for conducting unclassified, Defense Department-funded research on the UO campus, including the following:

Much of the DoD-funded research conducted on the UO campus, although "mission-directed", is arguably basic, and some of this research is likely to have important civil applications (including medical and educational ones).  Furthermore, DoD-funded research provides financial benefits to the University in the form of income from overhead and from the licensing of patented discoveries/inventions, summer salaries for faculty, funds for research staff and for student stipends.  Additionally, it has been argued that any University-imposed limitations on research activities constitute unwarranted limitation on academic freedom.

On the other hand, the following facts challenge the wisdom of increasing the power of the Pentagon under the circumstances prevailing in our country at this time:

The US economy, which is driven by the military-industrial-congressional complex, benefits global corporate business at the expense of the People -- their education, health care, the health of our planet, etc.  This economy thrives on the proliferation of arms and armed conflict in which the People suffer disproportionately.

Furthermore, the concentration of power and corporate wealth in the hands of a small group of people creates a governing class that can by-pass Democracy, and the armed conflict required for corporate profit further helps to keep the People so fearful that they consent to increasing losses of civil liberties and democratic process.

The reality of the above statements is validated by the stated goal of the people presently in control of the Department of Defense (DoD) -- "global dominance" of the world's resources to be achieved by military superiority (Project for a New American Century; National Defense Strategy -- footnote 1). This professed goal is in direct violation of the U.S. Constitution and the principles of democracy -- in the minds of many, the dependence on corporate support characterizing the majority of our elected officials, regardless of party affiliation, has already silenced the voice of the People.

Research universities must confront the possibility that acceptance of DoD research funds, combined with ignorance or denial of the context in which DoD operates, makes them complicit in war crimes and/or violations of the Constitution.

The UO faculty is commited (footnote 2) to ". . question critically, ... act creatively, and live ethically . . . develop creators and innovators who will generate new knowledge and shape experience for the benefit of humanity . . .welcoming and guiding change rather than reacting to it . . . international awareness and understanding, and to the development of a faculty and student body that are capable of participating effectively in a global society. . ."  The further education of the Senate and the
University Community through Senate-sponsored public forum(s) will serve these ends, enabling the University to act responsibly in this important area.

1  Abstracted in:
  Analyzed in:
  Updated in:


To fulfill its obligation to its constituents, the UO Senate needs to make an informed decision as to whether the AAU and President Frohnmayer's position

in support of increased DoD-funded research represents that of the University of Oregon.   This process of education necessarily includes an understanding of the present ties between UO and DoD.  Hence, it might be appropriate for the UO Senate to request, as part of the hearings process, an Administration report that includes (but need not be limited to) the following:

… Copies of summary sections of DoD grant applications and of sections that identify possible applications of the research findings.
… Summaries of the aims of the DoD programs under which grants have been given or are being sought.
… Identification of areas in which knowledge gained might plausibly lead to restrictions on publication of the research performed under the grant.
… Description of procedures ensuring the implementation of the Faculty Legislation of May 10, 1967, which states that: no research, any portion of
which is likely to become classified, is conducted on campus.
… Description of procedures that ensure that no weapons research is ongoing in the Riverfront Research Park (as specified by the land lease granted by the UO to the developer). This description should include an operational definition of "weapon."

It is important for the forums also to include contributed presentations by DoD researchers and others favoring DoD-funding as well as by those who question its role on our campus.


Possible outcomes of this educational process could include:

1. UO Senate might direct UO President to persuade the AAU to lobby for research money aimed at a culture of life rather than death.  Should either the President or the AAU respond unfavorably to this proposal, the Senate might like to sever the relationship between UO and AAU.

2. A publicly stated policy that UO will make no new applications for DoD  funds and will seek alternative funding for those campus projects currently funded by DoD.

Louise Westling
Professor of English
University of Oregon
Eugene, OR 97403-1286
Telephone 541-346-3938
Fax 541-346-1509

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