Annual Report

University of Oregon Faculty Advisory Council, 2006-2007


Council Membership


Terms expiring in June 2007: Stephanie Bosnyk (Business), W. Andrew Marcus (Geography), Michael Moffitt (Law), Anne McLucas (Music and Dance), Naomi Zack (Philosophy).

Terms expiring in June 2008: Kathy Cashman (Geological Sciences), Donald Corner (Architecture), Julianne Newton (Journalism/Communication), Steve Pickett (Disability Services), Brad Shelton (Mathematics).

Ex Officio: Senate Presidents Jeff Hurwit (Art History), Suzanne Clark (English), and W. Andrew Marcus (Geography) and the Senate Vice President Gordon Sayre (English).

Administration: President Dave Frohnmayer, Senior Vice President and Provost Linda Brady, Vice Provost Russ Tomlin.

The FAC also invited non-members to participate periodically, when the agenda suggested that our conversations would be better informed with the assistance of others.




The FAC met regularly throughout the academic year (Mondays 11am-1pm and in supplemental meetings, as needed) to provide senior University administrators with advice on the most pressing issues facing the University of Oregon. 


Agendas and Issues


We constructed the agendas for our meetings jointly, with the President, the Provost, the Vice Provost, the Chair of the FAC, and various members of the FAC each initiating significant conversations at various points in the year. 


As in previous years, members of the FAC treated the meetings as confidential deliberations.  A shared understanding of the confidentiality of the proceedings served at least three purposes.  First, we hoped that it would encourage members (including administrators) to raise pressing issues or agenda items at the earliest possible stage—when advice would be most likely to have an impact.  Second, we hoped that confidentiality would encourage individual members to voice their unvarnished beliefs without fear of external attribution.  Third, we hoped that confidentiality would promote a higher degree of productive informality than one could reasonably expect of a body engaged in more public deliberations.  As far as I can tell, the contents of FAC deliberations remained entirely confidentiality this year, except when the FAC made the explicit decision to permit members to talk about particular agenda items.


Consistent with the considerations driving the confidentiality of the FAC’s deliberations, the list below captures only a portion of the topics we discussed over the year.  The considerable breadth of even this partial list illustrates the range of topics on which the FAC provided advice. 


Academic excellence


Alumni affairs

Athletic director search

Athletic event scheduling

Building naming requests

Climate commitment / emissions reductions efforts

Dean searches

Diversity planning

Emergency preparedness planning

Enrollment management and admissions

Faculty Athletics Representative

Faculty salaries

Japanese-American Internees

Jordan Schnitzer Art Museum

Matters before the Oregon Government Standards and Practices Commission

Oregon Bach Festival

OUS and retirement accounts

Reading First program

Spousal hiring policies

Standards for tenure and promotion

State funding

Student evaluations

Student loans

Student veterans’ affairs

Task force on Marketing & Strategic Communications

Virginia Tech incident


Products of the Council’s Work


The FAC produced no motions, formal recommendations, papers, or reports (save for this year-end report from the Chair).  Members of the Council consistently articulated a belief that the FAC best serves the interests of both the faculty and the university as a whole when it maintains its confidential advisory stance.  Although several events during the course of the year were ones on which Council members had a virtually unanimous sentiment, we judged that our advisory function might be undermined if the FAC were to begin to adopt a public stand on particular issues.  As a result, the products of our work are reflected almost exclusively in the decisions of others.


In short, the FAC took seriously its role as an advisory body.  I believe we discharged our duty to provide candid advice with considerable energy.  And my impression is that the President and Provost always treated our input with seriousness, frequently sought our advice before making major decisions, and often shaped their decisions based on our input.  I hope that future FACs enjoy the same kind of professional and collaborative engagement in faculty and university governance.


Respectfully submitted, May 23, 2007,


Michael Moffitt, Chair

University of Oregon Faculty Advisory Council, 2006-2007

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