Motion US06/07-12 – to amend US00/01-4 regarding academic calendar and athletic events scheduling conflicts



Sponsored by:                 Cheney Ryan, philosophy and James O’Fallon, law

For senate action: March 14, 2007


This is an amendment to Senate Resolution US00/01-4, passed April 11, 2001. This was a joint resolution passed by the Oregon State University Senate as well. That joint resolution stated:


The growth of intercollegiate athletics has made the scheduling of athletic events more complex, and conflicts with the academic calendar are almost inevitable. A recent scheduling decision causes special concern: the Civil War football game for 2001 has been scheduled for the Saturday before fall final exams. Such conflicts may be unavoidable, but we should not lose sight of the principle that the academic needs of our athletes and other students are always our top priority.


The combined university senates of UO and OSU therefore made the following recommendations to our Presidents and Provosts: in the future, the academic calendar should be of paramount consideration in the scheduling of athletic events. In particular, we suggest that major events should not interfere with dead week and final exams; in general, we urge a heightened sensitivity to the academic calendar by the athletic departments of our two universities.



Be It Resolved that,


The University Senate reaffirms the suggestion that major sports events should not interfere with dead week and final exams. The decision to schedule major sports events at this time should only be made in exceptional circumstances, with the academic needs of students remaining the top priority.




The decision to schedule major sports events that conflict with dead week or exam week should only be made in consultation with the Intercollegiate Athletics Committee, the Faculty Advisory Council, the Vice Provost for Academic Affairs, the Provost, and the President of the University. All parties should be informed of University Senate resolutions relating to this matter.





Financial Impact Statement


The financial impact of consulting the various listed parties is negligible.

Passed at the 14 March 2007 Senate meeting.
See also Letter of 9 March 2007 from President Frohnmayer.
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