Motion US06/07-15 -- Methods and procedures for awarding degrees to persons who were ordered evacuated to internment camps in 1942

Sponsored by: Peter Gilkey

For Senate Action: May 9, 2007

Notwithstanding any other legislation,

(1) The University Senate of the University of Oregon directs the Distinguished Service Award Committee to implement HB 2823 (2007), which grants the University of Oregon authority to award an honorary degree to a person who was a student at the University of Oregon in 1942 and who was ordered to an internment camp, as follows:

  • (2) The Distinguished Service Award Committee may, in consultation with the Academic Requirements Committee, with the Independent Study Program, and with other appropriate University Committees, recommend instead the award of an academic rather than an honorary degree to a person who was a student at the University of Oregon in 1942 and who was ordered to an internment camp. In such a case, the processes outlined in 1a)-1i) shall be followed.
  • (3) Effective date: This legislation shall take effect if HB2823 is enacted into law during 2007.

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    Financial Impact Statement

    There is no significant financial impact of this motion. Furthermore, the existing committee structure of the University is utilized.

    The motion passed unanimously at the 9 May 2007 Senate Meeting. As of 10 May 2007, HB 2823 has passed by the State Legislature and is pending action by the Governor. 
    Links to related web sites:
    1. Information on House Bill 2823
    2. Information on OUS IMD 2.021 relating to existing procedures for granting honorary degrees.
    3. Information on US06/07-8 concerning existing UOprocedures for granting honorary degrees.
    4. Statement by Senator Papailiou in support of the motion at the 9 May 2007 Senate Meeting.

    Web page spun on 26 April 2007 by Peter B Gilkey 202 Deady Hall, Department of Mathematics at the University of Oregon, Eugene OR 97403-1222, U.S.A. Phone 1-541-346-4717 of Deady Spider Enterprises