Motion US06/07 – 4 Opposing Military Actions against Iran



Sponsored by:   Senator Ali Emami, Finance

For senate action         November 8, 2006




WHEREAS, Iran does not represent a clear and present threat to the United States of America, and

WHEREAS, military action against Iran would constitute an act that is illegal under our Constitution, and

WHEREAS, military action against Iran would be viewed by most of the World as unjustified military aggression, and

WHEREAS, untold numbers of people will be killed or mutilated by an armed attack on Iran,

WHEREAS, military action against Iran could provoke armed conflict that would further endanger U.S. troops stationed in Iraq and Afghanistan, and could escalate into a World War,


Be it Moved that,


The University Senate of the University of Oregon opposes military actions against Iran and petitions the President of the United States to adhere to diplomatic avenues for resolving perceived disagreements between Iran and the United States.

Motion not voted. Vice President Gordon Sayre ruled the motion was not in the purview of the senate. A challenge to this ruling was defeated by hand vote (17 supported the vice president's ruling of not in the senate's purview; 7 opposed the ruling). See Senate Minutes 13 November 2006for further details.
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