US06/07-7. Motion to establish time periods for students to complete on-line course evaluations.

Moved that,

At such time as the University of Oregon implements an on-line course evaluation system, the window of opportunity for students to fill out course evaluations will be Monday of Dead Week through the Monday following finals week.


1. This rule does not apply to the School of Law. The faculty of the School of Law will establish a similar window of opportunity that suits the needs of their academic calendar.

2. This rule does not apply to summer session. The rules for summer session courses will be established after a course evaluation instrument has been chosen.

Passed at the 10 January 2007 meeting of the UO Senate.
Repealed at the 14 March 2007 Senate meeting.
  • See also Letter from Professor Shelton which is related to a "motion to rescind" on the agenda for the 14 March 2007 meeting of the UO Senate.
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