April 30, 2007


To:      Professor Peter Gilkey


From:  W. Andrew Marcus

            President, University Senate, Spring 2007


            Gordon Sayre

            President, University Senate, AY 2007-2008


Re:       Appointment as University Senate Web Master


We are sending this memo to request that your serve at the University of Oregon Senate Web Master during our tenures as University Senate Presidents.  In this capacity you will:


(1) maintain the contemporary University Senate web page and update its content in a timely fashion consistent with Senate deadlines, protocols, bylaws and requests from the University Senate President or Senate Secretary to post content related to Senate activities;


(2) provide web-based access to past Senate web pages and University Assembly notes;


(3) follow procedures for backing up both past and present Senate web pages so that records will be maintained if a server is destroyed; and


(4) annually provide the University Archivist with a record of the year’s web pages and associated digital documents at a time and in a form agreed upon after consultation between yourself, the University Senate Secretary, and the University Archivist. 


Maintaining Senate control of the web page system and content is critical to insuring the independence of the Senate within the University of Oregon and Oregon University System. As Presidents of the University Senate, we therefore commit to preserving the independence of the Senate web page and web-based records to the best of our abilities.  To this end, we affirm that in your role as Senate Web Master you will: (1) control the University Senate web page organization, web page appearance, and system maintenance; and (2) be responsible for posting materials, with the provision that the Senate Secretary and President may stipulate if certain materials should be added or removed. 


If you wish to accept this position, please send a note of acceptance to us and copy that note to Gwen Steigelman, Secretary of the Senate.  Thank you for considering our request.



cc.  Gwen Steigelman, Secretary, University Senate

Web page spun on 1 May 2007 by Peter B Gilkey 202 Deady Hall, Department of Mathematics at the University of Oregon, Eugene OR 97403-1222, U.S.A. Phone 1-541-346-4717 Email:peter.gilkey.cc.67@aya.yale.edu of Deady Spider Enterprises