The following letter was received Mon, 17 Dec 2007. It is posted with the permission of the author

To: Voting Membership of the University Senate

I am writing in support of the motion to provide three Classified Staff Senators with the same rights as other Senators. There are many reasons to include three Classified Staff Senators as full members in the Senate but the most important reason is to add legitimacy to the motions and resolutions passed by the Senate. The University Senate is perceived as and used as the voice of the University. Speaking on behalf of a large institution like the University of Oregon should be done with official approval from all invested parties. "University Senate" as a name is not synonymous to faculty nor is the Senate body used solely for faculty perspectives. By including three Classified Staff Senators in the final decision process the University Senate fulfills its obligation to represent the entire University.

Additionally I am writing in regards to two concerns that some Senators hold, they are as follows:

I urge you to vote in favor of giving the Classified Staff Senators full status. Thank you for taking time to consider this motion and read my statement.

Mandy Chong
EMU Cultural Forum, Office Manager
Classified Staff Training & Development Advisory Committee (CSTDAC), Co-chair
EMU Board of Directors Staff Representative
University Senate Classified Staff Representative
(541) 346-0847

See also US07/08-9
Web page spun on 28 December 2007 by Peter B Gilkey 202 Deady Hall, Department of Mathematics at the University of Oregon, Eugene OR 97403-1222, U.S.A. Phone 1-541-346-4717 of Deady Spider Enterprises