MOTION US08/09-3 -- To establish an ad hoc Senate committee to contribute to the presidential search process

Sponsored by: Senate Executive Committee

Senate Action: Approved, as amended, December 3, 2008

Moved that,

The University Senate approves the immediate establishment of an ad hoc Senate Committee to monitor and contribute to the current search for the next President of the University of Oregon. This committee shall be known as the Senate ad hoc University Committee on the Presidential Search and shall have the following charge, membership, and reporting structure:


MEMBERSHIP: The membership of this Committee shall be appointed by the University Senate President in close consultation with the Senate Executive Committee. Membership shall consist of 9 faculty members, 1 librarian, 1 officer of administration, 1 undergraduate student, 1 graduate student, and 1 classified staff member. The 9 faculty members shall represent the following constituencies: 3 from the College of Arts and Science (1 each from humanities, social sciences and natural sciences) and 1 each from the professional schools and colleges (Architecture and Allied Arts; Business; Journalism and Communication; Education; Law; Music and Dance). The University Senate President shall serve as a liaison between the Senate Ad Hoc Committee and the Search Committee. The Committee shall elect its own Chair.

REPORTING: The Senate Ad Hoc Committee on the Presidential Search shall report to the Senate on its progress and its contributions to the search as appropriate.

BACKGROUND: Faculty and other campus stakeholder groups currently have a limited voice in the current Presidential search process conducted by the State Board of Higher Education. The search is closed until the final stage of the search process and it is not clear whether the State Board's search committee will allow more than one candidate to be publicly interviewed. Given the traditions of openness and fairness that have characterized past searches for major administrators on this campus, and given the tradition of University of Oregon presidents who have come from the ranks of academia, it is in the best interest of the Search and the future of the University that the process be broadened to include greater representation of the faculty and other campus stakeholders.

FISCAL IMPACT: There may be a few minor expenses associated with establishing this committee. Candidates will already be on campus so costs will be limited to those associated with meetings with faculty and other stakeholder groups. It is assumed that the University administration will pick up these minor expenses.

Legislative History
Web page spun 4 December 2008 by Peter B Gilkey 202 Deady Hall, Department of Mathematics at the University of Oregon, Eugene OR 97403-1222, U.S.A. Phone 1-541-346-4717 of Deady Spider Enterprises