Subject: Town Hall Meeting
From: Peter Gilkey
Date: Fri, 16 Oct 2009 15:39:09

Dear Fellow members of the UO Senate.

I am sure you all already got the announcement of the townhall meeting next week on the budget -- I will copy it below just in case you did not. Part of the impetus for the meeting arose out of discussions we had in the Senate and which I had subsequently with several of you. I hope you will all come and that you will encourage your colleagues who might be interested to attend as well. The UO has a long tradition of shared governance. To a large extent this is about "respectful communication" (and here I use quotation marks as the words are not mine) - and this is an excellent opportunity for communication on a subject of great concern to many of us. I am grateful to President Lariviere for agreeing to meet with the University Community and anticipate a very fruitful discussion.

Respectfully submitted

Peter B Gilkey

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