To: "Peter B Gilkey"
From: Franklin Stahl
Date: Fri, 29 May 2009 17:11:14 -0700
Well done. Thank you.

On May 29, 2009, at 4:54 PM, Peter B Gilkey wrote:

Dear Frank.

Done. Link Added.

I have started webwork on US09/10-1 which will be the first motion to come before the UO Senate in October. The link is and it contains a link to your original motion for historical purposes

Tammy Oar takes notes to assist Gwen in writing the minutes. Based on her notes and my memory, I have to recreate the motion as amended:

"Moved: That the Senate form a committee to prepare a draft university governance document for discussion at the announced meeting of the Statuatory Faculty on Wednesday 18 November 2009 at 15:30. The Senate President is directed to contact the so-called "Dead Presidents" [former Senate Presidents, excluding the current (2009-2010) President] and to contact the members of the UO Senate and to invite the individuals contacted to serve on said committee."

The motion now properly belongs to the Senate and can not be changed substantively. Still, surely it can do no harm to see if your recollection agrees with the official notes of Tammy and with my own memory. The list of Dead Presidents appears on the motion page but there is no point in recapitulating it here. I shall transmit the motion to the Senate Rules Committee sometime next week. And, of course, you or anyone else will have an opportunity to offer amendments to the text as stated above when it appears under the heading of "old business" on the agenda for the October meeting of the Senate.

I have been following the email discussion concerning the election of the VP with some understandable interest and the agenda for old business in october will either be 5.1 Election of Senate VP 5.2 US09/10-1 OR 5.1 US09/10-1 depending, of course, on the outcome of the discussion. Have a good weekend.

Web page spun on 30 May 2009 by Peter B Gilkey 202 Deady Hall, Department of Mathematics at the University of Oregon, Eugene OR 97403-1222, U.S.A. Phone 1-541-346-4717 of Deady Spider Enterprises