US09/10-17 - Motion to Disband the Committee on Child Care and Family Support

Sponsored by:     Committee on Committees, N. Tublitz, chair

For Senate Action:    May 12, 2010

BACKGROUND: The Committee on Committees proposes that the Senate accept Motion US09/10-17 to disband the Child Care and Family Support Committee (CCFS). This year, members of the CCFS Committee met to review the committee's mission, structure, membership and usefulness. CCFS members fully discussed the committee's history, including its numerous accomplishments and its current status, agreeing that the role of this committee has declined significantly in recent years and that continuation serves no useful purpose.

For several years, the CCFS Committee has experienced declining participation and diminished effectiveness. The size of the committee and its broad charge have contributed to a diluted focus and weaker commitment. Several other factors also have influenced the committee's role: a stronger presence of family-support systems and stake-holders on campus, including the Vivian Olum Child Development Center; establishment of the work-family services administrator position; the promulgation of several family-support policies; and initiatives developed through work-groups focused on the needs of tenure-track faculty.

Although disbanding the committee would eliminate a stable and consistent institutional structure, CCFS members agree that continuation of the committee as it is currently configured is not a good use of time and energy. Members of the CCFS committee trust that when needs arise for focused dialogue among all constituencies, members of the university will respond by convening a representative group, relevant to the specific situation. At this point, however, dissolving the Child Care and Family Support Committee makes sense, and that is our recommendation.

Motion: The University Senate moves to disband the Child Care and Family Support Committee effective immediately.

FISCAL IMPACT STATEMENT: The proposed University Senate Motion US/10-17 has no fiscal impact.

last updated on 4 May 2010 by ms