US09/10-5 Motion concerning elections for Senate Vice Presidency

The Vice President shall be elected at the first meeting of the Senate in the fall.
The original version was Moved: Solely for the purposes of the election of the Vice President of the Senate and the affirmation of the President, the voting body shall consist of all incoming senators for the following academic year. This will allow newly elected senators a chance to vote on the person who will be the President during their term.
  • This motion has no significant financial impact.
  • Introduced by the Senate Rules Committee for the 11 November 2009 meeting of the UO Senate.
  • Passed as amended by the 11 November 2009 meeting of the UO
    Web page spun on 15 November 2009 by Peter B Gilkey 202 Deady Hall, Department of Mathematics at the University of Oregon, Eugene OR 97403-1222, U.S.A. Phone 1-541-346-4717 of Deady Spider Enterprises