US09/10-7 Motion on Establishing a Senate Public Records Review Committee

SPONSOR: W. Harbaugh, Department of Economics


Since shared governance requires shared access to information, the Senate establishes a three person "Transparency Committee" with the following charge, membership and reporting:


The Committee shall;

a) Review UO's procedures regarding access to public records and financial information, and evaluate the effectiveness of those procedures. The Senate requests that the administration give the committee free and unfettered access to a listing of public records requests and their status, and to any reports by the UO public records officer to the administration regarding public records.

b) Accept and review complaints from faculty, staff, or students regarding access to public records and financial information, and make suggestions to the UO public records officer and President's office on resolving such complaints.

c) Hold only open meetings.

d) Have terms of appointment for two years, staggered.


Voting: 3 tenured faculty members, not more than 2 from CAS, not more than 1 from any 1 other college.

Ex officio non-voting member: UO Public Records Officer.


The committee shall make a written report to the Senate once a year describing the state of access to public records and financial information and describing any complaints and their resolution.



Notice of motion has been given by Professor Bill Harbaugh for action at the 02 December 2009 meeting of the UO Senate.


Motion passed at the 12 May 2010 UO Senate meeting.

last update 7 June 2010 by ms