Overview. This is a proposal for faculty governance at the University of Oregon involving a bicameral legislature. The Oregon Department of Justice opinion (OP-6735) has recommended that the statutory faculty have a means to meet and vote on issues concerning the internal governance of the University. The faculty assembly will be reconstituted for that purpose. It will include all statutory faculty members and will meet infrequently. The Faculty Senate and the University Senate are to be smaller representational bodies that meet monthly. The Faculty Senate will deal with curricular matters, discipline of students, and personnel policies that affect faculty. The University Senate will deal with all other issues.


The Faculty Senate will consist of 15 faculty and 2 student members. The President of the University is the Presiding Officer. In his absence, the President of the University Senate is the Presiding Officer. Committees relating to curricular matters, discipline of students, and personnel policies report to the Faculty Senate --- see list below.


University Senate will consist of 24 statutory faculty members, 6 Officers of Administration, 6 Classified Staff, 12 Students. All Committees not designated as reporting to the Faculty Senate report to the University Senate --- see list below.


A. Composition of the Faculty Senate:

1)    The University President, who will be the presiding officer.

2)    The University Senate President and the University Senate Vice-President, who must be statutory faculty members, and who serve ex-officio. To be elected by the University Senate.

3)    13 additional statutory faculty members: 2 from each division of CAS (6 total), 1 from each professional school (6 total), 1 library faculty member. To be elected by constituency.

4)    2 student senators (to be selected by the ASUO Student Senate).


B. Duties of the Faculty Senate: Curricular Matters (approving the quarterly report of the Committee on Courses, approving motions concerning the awarding of degrees and of honorary degrees, approving changes to degree requirements, and admissions policies), Discipline of Students (matters related to the Student Conduct Code), Personnel Policies (the PTRAC, the FPC, revisions of UO Policy statements concerning Post Tenure Review and Peer Evaluation of Teaching, revisions of the way in which course evaluations are handled, hiring policies, working conditions, salary policies etc.), student life issues.


C. Meetings of the Faculty Senate: The Faculty Senate shall meet the first Wednesday of each month from 1500 to 1700, October through May. The December meeting may be held in late November if needed.


D. Committees reporting to the Faculty Senate: Curricular: Academic Requirements. Committee on Courses, Committee on Scholarships, Foreign Studies Committee, Off Campus Scholarship Committee. Scholastic Review Committee, DSA (in relation to honorary degrees), Graduate Council, Undergraduate Council. Governance of Students: the Student Conduct and Community Standards Committee, the Student Conduct, and the Hearings Panel, Student Faculty Grievance Appeals Board.  Personnel: the Tenure Reduction Committee, the Summer Research Teaching Award Committee, FPC, PTRAC.


E.  Composition of the University Senate: To maintain the current number of faculty serving on internal governance bodies, the University Senate shall be reapportioned in the following manner:

1.    26 statutory faculty: CAS – Humanities 4 seats, CAS Sciences 4 Seats, Professional Schools and Colleges 2 seats each, Library Faculty 2 seats. (a reduction of 13). To be elected by constituency.

2.    6 Officers of Administration (increase of 3) to be elected by the OAÕs.

3.    6 Classified Staff (increase of 3) to be elected by the Classified Staff.

4.    12 Students -- at least 6 undergraduate and at least 2 graduate students to be selected by the ASUO Student Senate (an increase of 7 in total).

5.    The University Senate President and University Senate Vice President (these must be members of the statutory faculty) to be elected by the University Senate.


F. Duties of the University Senate: University Budget, Governance issues related to OUS and to the State, Campus planning and space issues, Riverfront Research Park, environmental issues, safety issues, Human subject issues, University Library, ROTC, LGBTC, Inter-Collegiate Athletics, parking, relationship with University neighbors, etc. (All matters other than those reserved for the Faculty Senate in B above).


G. Meetings of the University Senate: The University Senate shall meet the second Wednesday of each Month from 1500 to 1700, October through May. The December meeting may be held in late November if needed.


H. Committees reporting to the University Senate: All those Committees not designated as specifically reporting to the Faculty Senate in D above. These include but are not limited to: Campus Planning Committee, Committee on Committees, the DSA (in relation to the distinguished service award), the Environmental Issues Committee, the International Affairs Committee, the Johnson Committee, the LGBTC, the University Library Committee, the NTTF Committee, the ROTC Committee, the IAC, the FGAC, the FAC, and the IFS.


I. Changes: This constitution can only be amended or changed by the statutory faculty.