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Minutes 11 May 1994

Roll: Present: Berlin, Bohrer-Clancy, Bolt, Boren7 Carter, Dufek, Esgate, Gall, Gilland, Gordon, Gwartney-Gibbs, Johnson, Kelton, Kintz, Lesage, Maitland-Gholson, Pickett, Plass, Sanders, Soper, Sprague, Steeves, Trombley, Wade, Williamson

Absent: Aitken, Bohme, Brody, Carver, Chase, Ferguson, Squires, Tepfer, Thomas (3), Waters

Excused: Barnhard, Brick, Calof, Clark, Forell, Fuller, Goldschmidt, Klinghammer, Klos, Meyer, Ponder, Pope, Weeks

President Davison Soper called the meeting to order at 3:06 P.M. in 150 Columbia.

1. Report of the President to the Senate

President Soper opened his report to the University Senate by announcing that, just a few hours earlier, the Oregon State Board of Higher Education had approved the appointment of Dean David Frohnmayer as Interim President of the University of Oregon. He will replace President Myles Brand who will be leaving Oregon to assume the presidency of Indiana University. As he reported that everyone seemed happy with Dean Frohnmayer's appointment, President Soper noted that there had been input from faculty. He added that the provost search committee, which was at that time meeting to finalize its recommendations, had received much input.

He reported that the University Assembly had acted on two matters which had been approved by the University Senate: l) The assembly adopted the Undergraduate Education & Policy Coordinating Council's motion aimed at making the UO Graduate and Undergraduate Bulletin an accurate reflection of the courses available to students. 2) After adopting some minor amendments, the assembly approved the Faculty Advisory Council's proposal to establish an ad hoc faculty committee which will prepare legislation for reforming faculty governance at the University of Oregon.

He reminded the senators that University Senate elections were at that time underway and that the new senate will have its organizational meeting on May 25. He said Senator Gilland, who is chairing this year's nominating committee, is encouraging suggestions for senate officers.

2. Report from the Graduate Council

Vice Provost and Graduate Dean Steadman Upham presented a report from the Graduate Council. He distributed copies of a revised (5/11/94) draft of University of Oregon Guidelines for Good Practice in Graduate Education. He explained that, after encouraging comment and feedback, the council had realized its schedule was too ambitious and had decided to delay asking for senate approval until the fall. He said the Graduate Council's intent is not that the guidelines become policy, but that they be endorsed as a statement of good practice.

Responding to questions, Dean Upham said the major objections raised to the proposed guidelines related to the way "mentoring" was described. He listed matters of concern which led the Graduate Council to propose the guidelines. Those concerns included breaches of academic conduct, and questions relating to authorship and research collaborations involving faculty and graduate students. Emphasizing that the council was not interested in being prescriptive--"the document is at times purposely vague"--he said the guidelines would serve as a reminder of what is good practice so students and faculty could know what they can expect and what is expected of them. Noting that studies show that the most important element relating to success in graduate school is close working relationships between faculty and students, he attributed much of the concern about the proposed guidelines to confusion between advising and mentoring.

Mr. Nilendra Deshpande, head of physics, made a statement about why department heads objected to the proposed guidelines. He said it would be impossible for every incoming graduate student to have a true mentor. Dean Upham agreed that the wording was "sloppy" and led to misunderstandings about mentoring.

In response to questions, Dean Upham reported that the professional schools had some questions about wording, but otherwise were supportive of the council's efforts; and that the guidelines would not be applicable to the School of Law, which is not represented by voting membership on the

Graduate Council.

3. Approval of the Minutes

The senators approved the minutes of the April 13, 1994, meeting of the University Senate.

4. Report from the Committee on Committees

Mr. Henry Goldstein, chair of the Committee on Committees, presented his committee's annual report. That report is Appendix A to these minutes.

The University Senate adopted by voice vote the Committee on Committee's recommendation that the membership of the Committee on the Curriculum be increased from five to seven.

Mr. Goldstein moved that the Committee on Committees' recommendations for l 994-95 faculty committee assignments be forwarded to the President of the University of Oregon. The University Senate approved the motion by a voice vote.

Senator Gwartney-Gibbs made a motion which was seconded by Senator Kintz to approve the Committee on Committees' recommendation that the Undergraduate Education and Policy Coordinating Council be asked to review the status of advising at the university and of the Advising Committee. The University Senate approved the motion by a voice vote.

After President Soper ruled that, lacking proper notice of motion, the University Senate could not act on the Committee on Committees' recommendation relating to the abolishment of the Ethnic Studies Committee, Senator Boren moved to suspend the rules. The motion was seconded and adopted by a two-thirds vote. During the discussion which followed, Vice Provost Lorraine Davis and President Soper reported that the Ethnic Studies Committee had not met for two years. A motion by Mr. Goldstein to abolish the Ethnic Studies Committee was adopted by voice vote.

After reporting that Mr. Richard Steers had, upon assuming the duties of vice provost for international affairs, resigned from the International Affairs Advisory Council, Mr. Goldstein moved that Ms. Maradel Gale, PPPM, be appointed to replace Mr. Steers on the council. The senate approved this motion by a voice vote.

President Soper noted that the University Senate was approving the Committee on Committees' recommendation that the 1993-94 UEPCC membership be reappointed for 1994-95.

5. Notice of Motion to Abolish Faculty Conditions Committee

President Soper reported that all members, save Mr. Peter Gilkey, had resigned from the University Senate's Faculty Conditions Committee, and that Mr. Gilkey will bring to the University Senate a motion to abolish that committee.

The University Senate adjourned at 4:07 p.m.

Nancie Fadeley Secretary
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