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November 5, 1993



ROLL: Present: Aitken, Barnhard, Boren, Brick, Brody, Calof, Carter, Clark, Dufek, Ferguson, Forell, Fuller, Gall, Garcia, Gilland, Gordon, Gwartney-Gibbs, Johnson, Kelton, Kintz, Klinghammer, Klos, Lesage, Maitland-Gholson, Meyer, Pickett, Plass, Pope, Sanders, Soper, Sprag1le, Squires, Steeves, Stuhr, Thomas, Trombley, Wade, Waters, Weeks, Williamson

Absent: Bohrer-Clancy, Carver, Chase, Pox, GoldschmicIt Excused: Bohme, Bolt, Lemert, Tepfer I.

I. Announcements

II. Committee Reports
The Foreign Study Program Committee is a standing faculty committee that would normally be nominated by the Committee on Committees in the spring. It was not formed last spring pending a decision the the desired structure for committees dealing with this subject. Since the International Affairs Office is now ready to proceed with this committee, and since the committee needs to begin its business promptly, the President of the Senate appointed a committee consisting of himself and the chair of the 1992-93 Committee on Committees, Jack Rice, to nominate the committee.

Professor Rice presented the proposed list of nominees (attached) and the list was approved by the Senate.

  • 3. Lynn Kahle reported on the activities of the Intercollegiate Athletic Committee (report attached).
  • 4. Paul Engelking gave a brief report on the Senate Budget Committee.
  • 5. Paul Engelking gave a brief report on the Inter institutional Faculty Senate.
  • III. New Business
  • 1. Patty Gwartney-Gibbs moved a resolution to honor Keith Richard, who is retiring as Secretary of the Senate and as Secretary of the Faculty. The resolution was seconded and passed unanimously.
  • 2. It was moved and seconded to change the meeting time of the Senate to 3:00 a p.m., so that the Senate meeting time would be synchronous with the University's on-the-hour schedule. Discussion opposed to this motion centered on the danger of the agenda expanding to fill the time available; discussion in favor focused on the desirability of having Senate meetings finish reasonably early so that parents of young children will be able to participate fully in faculty governance. The motion was approved by a voice vote.
  • 3. Motion on General Education Cluster Requirement was presented by John Nicols on behalf of the 1992-93 Academic Requirements Committee.



    Section A of the current Assembly legislation on general education requirements is amended to read:

    A. Sixteen credits in approved group satisfying courses in each of three areas, Sciences, Social Sciences and Arts and Letters. In each of the three areas, courses must be completed in at least two subjects (prefixes), and at least two courses must be completed in one subject (prefix)."

    Nicols outlined the background for the proposal as follows: there are problems with the implementation of the current cluster requirements, . resulting in many student petitions to the Academic Requirements Committee; the requirement has become more complicated and less rational since the move to four-and five-credit courses in addition to the previous standard of three-credit courses; other committees and administrators were consulted; the results of the broad consultation were positive

    Senator Jim Boren, chair of the Undergraduate Education Policy Coordinating Committee, stated that this committee supported the motion. A question was raised about when the change would be implemented. Professor Nicols pointed out that the Academic Requirements Committee would normally accept petitions to allow graduation under the new requirement this year. It was moved and seconded to amend the motion to make the change effective as soon as it is passed by the Assembly. This amendment was passed by a voice vote.

    There was a question about whether all departments knew about the proposal and had a chance to comment. In particular, the Fine Arts Department had not known about the proposal. Professor Nicols described the efforts to make sure that the proposal was widely known.

    There was question about whether the proposal increases or reduces the units required for graduation? Professor Nicols responded that it does not.

    The motion was passed unanimously on a roll call vote.

    The motion as passed reads:


    Section A of the current Assembly legislation on general education requirements is amended to read:

    "A. Sixteen credits in approved group satisfying courses in each of three areas, Sciences, Social Sciences and Arts and Letters. In each of the three areas, courses must be completed in at least two subjects (prefixes), and at least two courses must be completed in one subject (prefix)."

    The legislation is to be effective for current University of Oregon students as soon as it is enacted by the Assembly.

    It was moved and seconded that the meeting be adjourned. With unanimous consent the meeting was adjourned.

    Submitted by: John Nicols Patty Gwartney-Gibbs 

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