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Minutes 25 May 1994

Roll: Present: Black, Boren, Boyd, Carter, Dufek, Fisher, Frahs, Fuller, Gall, Gilland, Goldschmidt, Good, Gordon, Gray, Grosenick, Hosticka, Holland, Howe, Howell, Klein, Koch, Lafrance, Lyons, Maitland-Gholson, Moore, Murphy, Ponder, Plass, Reed, Richards, Sanders, Simonds, Soper, Stave, Talarsky, Tepfer, Wade, Weeks, Yeoh

Absent: Baker, Keech, Shafer

Excused: Anderson, Barnhard, Bybee,-Fagot, Greene, Hayes, Horner, Riedl, Klinghammer, Sprague, Tomlin, Whitlock

1. Approval of the Minutes

President Davison Soper called the meeting to order at 3:06 P.M. in 129 Law. The senators approved the minutes of their May 11, 1994, meeting after he noted corrections which had been made to the minutes as distributed.

2. Report of the President to the Senate

President Soper reported that the University Assembly had approved legislation to establish a committee charged with preparing faculty governance reform legislation which will be presented to the assembly before the end of next winter term. He said he expects the committee will consult widely.

Noting that, since Mr. Keith Richard's resignation last fall as faculty secretary, Mr. Frank Geltner had been the Senate Parliamentarian and Ms. Nancie Fadeley the Senate Secretary, President Soper said the new senate will have to decide who will fill those positions next year.

3. Discussion of Tuition and Fees and the UO's Business Plan

President Soper introduced ASUO President Eric Bowen who stressed the importance of discussing proposals to increase UO tuition and institute new fees. He emphasized the need to consider their effect on student access and the fundamental shift they would make in the UO's constituency as the university becomes more market or tuition driven.

Before explaining the new fee proposals, Senior Vice Provost Gerald Kissler identified two issues which he considered fundamental: 1) For a long time Oregon, unlike most states, charged the same tuition on all campuses. 2) Will the increase paid by UO students stay at the UO or migrate to other Oregon State System of Higher Education institutions? He described his expectation that the Oregon State Board of Higher Education would approve a $50 per term Instructional Technology Fee beginning Fall '94. He said students would immediately see the results of this fee which will go into technologies which will improve UO networking capability, update some classrooms and provide more computer labs. The UO is also proposing additional $50 per term fees which will go into effect Fall '95 and Fall '96. These proposed fees will be paid by undergraduates only and will go primarily for programs designed to improved the quality of the undergraduate experience.

Vice President John Moseley added that 20 percent of the technology fee will go for financial aid, and that the university is committed to raising funds from other sources so students will see7 for every $1 paid, technological improvements of about $3.

During the discussion which followed, student senators asked a number of questions about financial aid for these fees, the possibility that fee monies might not stay on the UO campus, the sources of matching funds, and the process for deciding how the fees would be spent. In response to recurring concerns expressed about the effect of these fees on students' ability to afford to attend the UO, Vice President Moseley said the students will actually be getting a bargain because the programs which will be funded by these fees (and which are all part of the UO productivity plan) will decrease the time to degree.

4. Election of Officers

Senator Gilland, chair of the Senate Nominating Committee, presented, on behalf of his committee, the name of Senator Paul Simonds for University Senate President. No names were presented from the floor when President Soper asked if there were other nominations. Senator Simonds was elected president by voice vote with no dissent.

Senator Gilland, chair of the Senate Nominating Committee, presented, on behalf of his committee, the name of Senator Jane Maitland-Gholson for Vice President of the University Senate. No names were presented from the floor when President Soper asked if there were other nominations. Senator Maitland-Gholson was elected vice president by voice vote with no dissent.

Following the election of the new senate president and vice president, Senator Soper turned the chair over to President Simonds.

5. Election of-1994-95 Committee on Committees

Senator Gilland, chair of the Senate Nominating Committee, presented, on behalf of his committee, the following slate for the Committee on Committees for 1994-95:

Mr. Ralph Barnhard, Chemistry Ms. Paula Burkhart, Research and Sponsored Programs Mr. Ed Coleman, English Ms. Judith Eisen, Biology Mr. Jim Isenberg, Mathematics Ms. Susan Plass, International Affairs Mr. Kenneth Ramsing, Decision Sciences Mr. John Reynolds, Architecture Mr. George Sugai, Special Education (Mr. Barnhard, Mr. Isenberg, Ms. Plass and Mr. Ramsing are continuing members of the Committee on Committees.)

No names were presented from the floor when President Simonds asked if there were other nominations. The slate presented by the Senate Nominating Committee was elected by voice vote with no dissent.

6. Report from the Committee on Committees

Mr. Henry Goldstein, chair of the Committee on Committees, reporting from his committee, moved that Mr. Robert Kyr be added to the Foreign Studies Program Committee. The motion was approved by voice vote with no dissent.

7. Vote to Abolish Faculty Conditions Committee

Identifying himself as the only remaining member of the Faculty Conditions Committee, Mr. Peter Gilkey gave a history of that committee. He explained that the committee, which was created three years ago to take a long term view of faculty conditions at the UO, had fulfilled a valid function for two years but was no longer necessary. After noting that there were no provisions for length of terms for committee members or for reappointment, he reported that Mr. Jacob Beck, Ms. Fransoise Calin, and Mr. Norman Savage had all resigned and that he intended to resign after asking the University Senate to abolish the committee.

Senator Koch's motion to abolish the Faculty Conditions Committee was seconded and approved by a voice vote.


Before the meeting adjourned, the senators applauded when Senator Gordon thanked Senator Soper for his year of presidency.

At 4:02 P.M, there being no further business the University Senate adjourned sine die for the 1993-1994 Academic Year.

Nancie Fadeley Secretary
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