January 18, 1996


ROLL CALL:    Present--Allen, Belitz, Blandy, Bybee, Clark, Davis, 
                       Engleking, Ferguson, Gibson, Haynes, Holland, Hurwit, 
                       Isenberg, Kintz, Lesage, Leavitt, Moreno, Park, 
                       Owen, Ravits, Ryan, Tedards, Watson, Welch,
                       Westling, Wood, Wybourne.

              Excused--Anderson-Inman, DeGidio, Harvey.

              Absent---Girling, Maxwell.


The first meeting of the newly formed University Senate was called to 
order at 3:12 p.m, in Gilbert 133 on January 17, 1996 by Senate 
President-elect Paul Simonds.  President Simonds welcomed the new 
senators and explained that the minutes of the December 6, 1995 meeting 
of the Senate had to be approved.  Contained within these minutes were 
several items of business transacted by the "old" Senate and 
since the December meeting lacked a quorum the items passed had to be 
confirmed by this, the "new, " Senate.  All of the present 
Senators had received the minutes from the December meeting.

President Simonds continued by stating that the most efficient method of 
confirming the December legislation was to include such confirmation 
within the context of the minutes approval.  Specifically the election of 
officers of this Senate by the previous Senate had to be confirmed to be 
in compliance with the Assembly legislation that established the new 
Senate.  Mr. Paul Simonds, President-elect, and Mr. Carl Bybee, Vice 
President-elect and President-elect, were the two chosen by the previous 

The minutes were approved and Mr. Simonds was now officially the 
President of the Senate as now constituted, and Senator Bybee was 
confirmed as Vice President-President-elect.  The approval also carried 
over to the following action taken by the "old" Senate in 
December:  The election of Francoise Calin and Robert Zimmerman as 
members of the Committee on Committees.

President Simonds announced that the Provost has agreed to release time 
for the President of the University Senate commencing in the Fall of 
l996.  The funding for this will come from the Office of the Provost and 
the release time will be for one course for one quarter.

The agenda and minutes of the University Senate are available on the 
World Wide Web. The URL is: 



The University Senate must elect one member of the Interinstitutional 
Faculty Senate delegation that represents the University of Oregon at IFS 
meetings.  The IFS has three members from the University of Oregon.  Two 
of these must be an elected member of the University Senate at the time 
of their election.  The third IFS delegate from the University is elected 
by the voting faculty.  The term of office is three years--thus the 
person nominated and elected at this meeting will serve until December 
31, 1999.

President Simonds informed the Senate that Senator Maury Holland has 
submitted his name for nomination.  No other nominations were forthcoming 
from the Senate and by voice vote Senator Holland was elected to the IFS.

The Senate Budget Committee must have 3 members from the University 
Senate.  The Senate President stated that Senator Stephen Haynes had 
agreed to serve on the Senate Budget Committee.  His nomination was 
confirmed.  The three Senators on this Committee are:  Douglas Blandy, 
Steve Owen and Stephen Haynes.  In addition the name of Mr. Mark Reed, 
Geology, was presented for confirmation to be a member of the Budget 
Committee.  Mr. Reed's nomination was confirmed. The membership of the 
entire committee:

Patricia Gwartney, Sociology         Diane Bricker, Sp Ed & Rehab
Lorraine Davis, Acad Aff (ex-off)    Douglas Blandy, Arts & Adm
Lynn Kahle, Business                 Frank Anderson, Math
Joe Wade, Acad Adv                   Rogena Degge, Arts & Adm
Carl Hosticka, PPPM                  John Nicols, Classics
Charles Frazier, Jln & Comm          Howard Davis, Arch
Steve Owen, Music                    Stephen Haynes, Econ
Mark Reed, Geology

President Simonds asked if the Senators had divided themselves as to 
their terms of office.  Several of the Senators had done this and the 
remainder agreed to terms as the Secretary asked each Senator for her or 
his preference as to terms.  The following are the terms established for 
each senator.  



Natural Science:                 Social Science:

Dietrich Belitz, '96             Sandy Marie Harvey, '96
Paul Engelking,  '97             Stephen Haynes, '96
James Isenberg,  '97             Geraldine Moreno, '96
Stephen Kevan,   '96             Martha Ravits, '97
Kwanjai Park,    '96
Davison Soper,   '97
Martin Wyborune, '96 


Suzanne Clark,   '96              ARCHITECTURE & ALLIED ARTS
Dianne Dugaw,    '97              Doug Blandy, '97  
Linda Kintz,     '97              Howard Davis, '97
Julia Lesage,    '96              Cynthia Girling, '96
Cheyney Ryan,    '97              Jeff Hurwit, '96
Jacqueline Schachter, '96         Polly Welch, '96
Mary E. Wood,    '96

Lynne Anderson-Inman, '97         Carl Bybee, '96         
Philip Ferguson, '96              Ann Maxwell, '97

LAW                               LIBRARY SYSTEMS
Maurice Holland '96               Alice Allen, '97
Wayne Westling '97                Mark Watson, '96

MUSIC                             OFFICERS OF ADMINISTRATION
Steve Owen '97                    Jacqueline Gibson, '96
Anne Tedards '96                  Jane DeGidio, '97
                                  Anne Leavitt,  '97

President Simonds informed the Senate that he appointed an Executive 
Committee as required by the Rules of the Senate.  The members of this 
Committee include the President and Vice President automatically and the 
appointed members are:  Senators Wayne Westling, Paul Engleking, and 
Cynthia Girling.  A student member will be appointed when the Student 
Senators become formal members of the Senate.

A Rules Committee is also required by Senate Rules and Senator Davison 
Soper has agreed to head that Committee.

President Simonds informed the Senate that the Undergraduate Education 
Policy and Coordinating Council had produced a "Statement of 
Philosophy on Undergraduate Education. "  The statement would be 
attached to the minutes of this meeting.  (The statement starts on page 5 
of these minutes.)

Report of the Committee on the Curriculum
Mr. Steven Chatfield, Chair of the Committee on the Curriculum, was recognized so he could present the 1996-97 Report of his Committee. As Mr. Chatfield commenced to go through the Report Senator Westling inquired as to how the motion (the Report) was to be handled. He suggested that the Senate act on the entire Report and not go through the Report page by page. The Senate accepted this without objection. Mr. Joe Stone, Associate Dean CAS, noted that several course numbers were not consistent with the numbers submitted by the CAS Curriculum Committee to the University Committee. Thus the numbers in the Report now being considered are different and Mr. Stone wanted to know why these changes were made. Mr. Chatfield called on Ms. Nan Coppock-Bland, University Editor, to reply. Ms. Coppock-Bland stated that the numbers had to be consistent with University requirements and the Registrar had the numbers changed so as to bring the courses and the numbers into the required consistency. Mr. Stone asked why HC 307 was in the Report. The CAS Curriculum Committee had not submitted a course with this number or this description. Mr. Chatfield explained that HC 308 had been submitted by the CAS and that it did not fit within the mandated guidelines for multicultural courses, but if the description were to be re-worked two courses could spin out of this one course. The Committee on the Curriculum worked with the Honors College to make this division and the result was a cleaner and acceptable HC308 and an entirely new entry HC 307. Senator Kwangjai Park moved that the HC 307 be deleted and that the CAS Curriculum Committee be allowed to pass judgment on the course as how it would fit within the course offerings of the College. After a short discussion this motion to delete was rejected by a strong majority. Mr. Chatfield informed the Senate of a number of typographical, spelling and grammar changes within the Report that had to be made. The Senate accepted these changes. The motion was now ready for a vote and the University Senate accepted the Report of the Committee on the Curriculum as modified. NEW BUSINESS No new business was introduced. INQUIRY Senator Bybee asked when the suggested increase in parking fees would come or if they would come before the Senate for debate. He stated that he had been approached by a number of faculty members that they would like to know if the Senate would be involved in any discussion on the increase in fees. The concern of those who have spoken to him revolve around the failure of the University to abide by its promise made concerning parking when the last increase in fees was made. The view was that promises made were broken and any future increase should result in increased parking spaces. Other concerns was the expenditure of parking fee funds for non-parking purposes including a loan to the Department of Intercollegiate Athletics. President Simonds recognized University President David Frohnmayer to respond. President Frohnmayer said that the Senate was not involved in the fee increase as this was an administrative function. Questions concerning the fee increase could be directed by concerned faculty and staff to Vice President Dan Williams, who in turn would respond to the inquires. No public hearing had been scheduled on this subject, the President concluded. Senator Soper suggested that each Senator talk this over with their constituents and see what they think. In addition, the Senate Executive Committee should invite Vice President Williams to its next meeting to discuss the issue of the fee increase. Senator Engleking suggested the use of the Senate Budget Committee as a forum for discussion on the fee increase. President Simonds stated that he remembered when the first parking fee was put into place. The fee was established to provide funds to help purchase the area now dedicated to the Research Park, but the promise made at the time was that the area would be used to provide parking space. Mr. Joe Stone inquired of Mr. Chatfield why cross-listing of courses was not in the Report of the Committee on the Curriculum and that minor requirements seems also to be missing. The explanation was that the Committee had a very full plate this year and that several items had to be postponed. These items will be addressed over the next two terms and some type of resolution will be forthcoming as decisions are made. ADJOURNMENT The business of the meeting having concluded the Senate adjourned at 3:45 p.m. Keith Richard Secretary
The following is a statement of the philosophy for undergraduate education at the University of Oregon. The Undergraduate Eduction Policy and Coordinating Council recommends that all policies and procedures, curricula, personnel, and teaching decisions that affect undergraduate education be consistent and defensible when compared to this statement. The University of Oregon is a public comprehensive research university committed to excellence in undergraduate education. Our undergraduate education mission is to engage students in coherent, focused, liberal arts based program of study from which they will gain a life-long love of learning and the ability to "question critically, think logically, communicate clearly, act creatively, and live ethically." (UO Mission Statement, 1995) A successful undergraduate program welcomes students into the intellectual life of the campus community; guides students through an integrated curriculum that progresses from introductory through capstone learning experiences; creates meaningful opportunities for students to actively engage in the modes of inquiry that define a research university; and prepares students to be active participants and effective leaders in a democratic society. Criteria to measure the success of the undergraduate educational experience at the University of Oregon include the following: A. Achievement of Academic Coherence, Quality, and Rigor The relationship of all parts of the curriculum to the University's undergraduate mission should be clear and visible to faculty and to students. In addition, the quality and rigor of instruction and evaluation should be consistent across the curriculum. In a successful undergraduate academic program, faculty should:
Evaluate performance rigorously and fairly. Provide and encourage a course of study based on a liberal arts foundation. Ensure that specialized academic work is based on an adequate fundamental understanding of basic disciplinary principles, current research, and methods. Provide for and encourage significant peer and student-faculty interaction.
B. Development of Academic and Intellectual Competence The University's mission statement identifies a set of abilities that are at the core of our undergraduate mission. All parts of the undergraduate curriculum should provide learning experiences that expose students to substantive discipline-based knowledge and build students' abilities in the following areas:
Critical reasoning and thinking. Creative thought and actions. Articulate oral, written, and visual communication. Independent inquiry and collaborative learning. Understanding and reasoning that support students' knowledge base and belief system. Opportunities for students to adjust and respond to research. Examination by students of a variety of beliefs and philosophies.
C. Integration of Research into the Undergraduate Learning Experience The research mission of the University is central to our identity and our continued success. The curriculum should incorporate faculty research activities into the undergraduate learning experience in meaningful and visible ways.
Learning experiences should create opportunities for students to access and experience the procedures and processes of active inquiry, investigation, and research that crate new information and/or knowledge. Learning experiences should enable students to recognize and appropriately apply different methods of inquiry, investigation, and research. Learning experiences should create opportunities for students to independently or collaboratively engage in research activity.
D. Development of Skills for Life After the University Most undergraduates aspire to careers outside the academy. The undergraduate experience should prepare students to use the knowledge and sills learned at the University to be active participants and effective leaders in both the work environment and democratic society.
The desire to promote a sense of integrity, civility, and respect. The ability to recognize the challenges confronting individuals and to apply one's knowledge to addressing those challenges. The desire and ability to respond to change in constructive and collaborative ways. The desire to continue a life of learning.
For the Committee: William Baugh, Chair

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